
Responses from frazeur1

Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
t8kc, congrats on the upgrade, the install should be fairly simple. There can always be some minor setbacks, but generally John has provided everything you might need. Not having any crossover boards to pound out makes things so much easier too, a... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Tate, never fear, someone will be along on this thread at some point! Seems like it goes through little spells of activity, but eventually as Mapman did, somebody will catch up to things sooner or later.Glad the Ohms are doing their thing as well ... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Enjoy them and keep us posted on how you get along with them. I always enjoyed my MWT's.  
Great Stands from A&M
Agree on A&M, Anthony recently fabricated a nice pair of custom frames for my Larsen Model 4's. Great finish, excellent quality, and pricing that puts so many others to shame. 
Why are so many owners trying to sell Scansonic?
I don't think there is any reason to get uptight over what the OP asked, even if similar things are posted all day and night. I think the whole thing is part of the "hobby" in and of itself. Many people like to try different things, whether or not... 
omnidirectional sound
I have also been an Ohm owner and could recommend them as well as a couple others. I also own Larsen Model 4's and Shahinian Obelisk 2's. While these are omni-types, they all do things a bit different. Definately, they all have a very open and spa... 
Thanks Bill, kind of what I had figured, as Sanders does have some unique power supply regulation he uses within his units. Maybe other things as well. The important thing is the music in the end! 
Yes it certainly appears to be a spitting image of Coda products, I certainly do not know what differences that may be lurking within the circuitry. At any rate, both the Coda and Sanders are on my very short list of taking a listen to, just need ... 
Actually now that I dug around on Codas webpage, they appear to offer a 14 day trial period if no dealers are in the neighborhood. Might have to look into this a little more afterall! I certainly like having a one-box solution to amp/pre, just add... 
I too certainly would be interested in hearing about the Mark III version as well. Also US pricing. I am looking at amplifiers to power my Shahinian Obelisk 2's, which can be a bit of a tough load for many amplifiers. This integrated and also the ... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
I would agree, seems to be a lot of good dacs to play around with! 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
John, good to see that things are going well for you with the Ohms and DAC etc.! 
Is anyone thinking about building Walsh drivers?
Interesting Map, that is one thing I really didn't mess much with was base platforms when I had my Ohms, just goes to show you, one never knows what affects these seemingly simple things will have. With my Larsen Model 4's, I do have them sitting ... 
Is anyone thinking about building Walsh drivers?
Map, glad all is well, and congrats on the 25th sir! I still enjoy the pics of your Ohms, especially the pair in F cabinets. Always liked those! Glad too that your Bel Cantos are doing such a sterling job for you as well. Jerry, yes I am certainly... 
Is anyone thinking about building Walsh drivers?
Jerry, crickets for sure, although some times things pick up and move along nicely on things about Ohms, then tapers back off for awhile. Enjoyed your threads over on the "other DIY forum". Hi Map, how are you doing these days?