
Responses from frap

How can power cords make a difference?
Listen Albert, The differences in power cords and ICs that you ,I and others hear, are also quite audible to non- audiophiles as well. I have done the trials on many people in my sound room. I am sure Steve and 702 would hear alot of what the rest... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
While your at it, might as well listen to the rest of "HEJIRA" could be the lady's best album ever. 
Best value speakers available
Bwhite, Thank you for the info on the current Rauna Tyr. I owned the Tyr and Tyr II in the 80s and found them the only competition to the LS/35A back then. Another promising small speaker called the Palantir was made by a company that went out of ... 
Am I on the right analog track?
Dale,It is very difficult to get out of the record grooves the data stored inside of them. One of the easiest things to do is to play an LP wrong. For $200.00 one can buy a CD player that will get you about 90% of whats on the CD. With LP, there a... 
CD Recommendations
Frogman,that post is worth a thousand times more than any audio related post in here. You spoke the truth, not to insult or to educate, but to simply open the door to the real thing. "Flash in the pan" music will never have lasting value and will ... 
Amp "Hum" caused by dimmer switches
Albert, do you have a before and after story on the sound? How much better was it after the "extreme" electric? Does your system always now sound like Sunday morning 3AM.(no I am not kidding). Very late night electric is way way better sounding. I... 
Cartridge for an old GRACE 707?
Grace, Model 707 was very good sound in its day. ($149.00). It worked well with the Fidelity Research FR-1MkIII MC cart when I had it. Joe is correct about only higher compliance though(no Koetsu on this arm!!). Like Doug, I owned Oracle for many ... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Steve, mostly all of the mid to late 70s high power SS superamps used tons of negative feedback. Whatever benefits derived from excessive amounts of it,were all negated by the God awful sonic results. The spec sheets were always the same; i.e. inc... 
VANDERSTEEN 2ce signatures?
The Vandersteen Model 2 may be the most "Honest" product in hi-end audio history. The designer has priced these things at the lowest possible point, with no compromise in sound quality. The speaker is a flat out accurate reproducer from top to bot... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Steve, funny you should bring up Jim Bongeorno's GAS Ampzilla. The reason that amp developed such a cult following in 1976/77, was because of just that reason (not because of the apes in the ads). It was highly listenable and had some very judicio... 
Audio Research vs. Aragon
No Fans on the D-115. Mk II is much better, For $1500.00 it had better be a MK II. and even that price is high ,unless it is Mint +++ and the tubes are new. Aragon makes a very good product for solid state, but the ARC is gonna sound ,as usual, mo... 
LP Label help.
Thanks for the tip Albert, I will talk to my friends at Princeton to see if they have seen this first LP. If I am lucky enough to hear it, I'll report back. Also, not to be missed, if you don't already have it is DAVID DARLING, CYCLES on ECM aroun... 
LP Label help.
Albert; Just wanted to agree with the ECM records comment. This label , while not "hardcore jazz", has produced stellar sonics and pristine surfaces since their inception in the early 70s (I think). Artists like Ralph Towner (Solstice!!WOW!!) and ... 
LP Label help.
Bobkirs, Original pressings of Blue Note Jazz LPs are scarce and hideously expensive when available. The digitally remastered Blue Note LPs were a shadow of the analog originals, sonically. Fortunately though, an equally heavyweight label(musicall... 
Question about older stuff
Musiclover, Keep in mind, that the purchase of a $400.00 amp brand new today, yields about $80.00 in parts costs including chassis. I dont know about you, but I would much rather have ,say, a used Aragon or Perraux Amp that sold in the 12 to $1500...