
Responses from fmpnd

Kharma, Wilson Sophia, JM Labs I'm confussed????
TECHNICAL CORRECTION!! I actually reviewed the same pair Michael Fremer reviewed that did NOT have the Enigma upgrade. I enjoyed the speaker SO much I bought a new pair WITH the Enigma upgrade and THAT is the pair the esteemed Panorama is enjoying... 
Kharma, Wilson Sophia, JM Labs I'm confussed????
LOL!!!! Aponter4, didn't mean to get yer dander up big fella! In fact, I owned the exact speaker you have (in fact, go read my review of your speaker at to find out what I think of them) and loved em!Another fact, Pamorama (Mr.... 
Kharma, Wilson Sophia, JM Labs I'm confussed????
Bah humbug! Kharmas suck! ;-) 
IO Signature/Steelhead/Arc Reference/ and Colibrì?
Jafox, your post made me want to slightly clarify my previous post. I may have been the other person you are referring to (maybe not) so I do not want to seem to be contradicting myself. My advice to Zender about going with the phono stage with vo... 
IO Signature/Steelhead/Arc Reference/ and Colibrì?
Zender,There are a number of posts on tube rolling for the Io here on A-Gon and many by Albert Porter who has a TON of experience with this unit. A search on "Aesthetix Io" would likely reveal them. There are a number of different tubes to suit di... 
IO Signature/Steelhead/Arc Reference/ and Colibrì?
Zender, you haven't described the rest of your system or your tastes so everything I say will have to be taken in context. First, I have to say that as a former owner of three different Colibris, I know it's sound and strengths fairly well. When p... 
Calling all acoustic guitar fans...
Pat Metheny/Jim Hall 
Custom Made Dust Covers?
Contact Vinh Vu at Ginko Audio. I have had two custom made dustcovers and they are beautiful, relatively inexpensive and he is a great guy to work with. 
Headphone Amp - Perreaux vs Musical Fidilety
Thanks for the tip Linkster. I think I will check it out!FrankPS - for anyone who might really be into headphone listening and is amenable to another suggestion (albeit at a higher price point), I heartily recommend the Moth Audio SI-2A3 amp. I bo... 
Source for JVC XRCD 
Halcro DM38 vs Tenor Audio 150Hp
Hey Matt! How goes it? Nice looking system. I love that TV!!!How is Ottawa these days?Frank 
About the EMM Labs DAC
here's what it looks like: 
About the EMM Labs DAC
Sorlowski,I have stayed out of all these EMM posts until now as I really would rather be listening than trying to "convince" anyone else of anything. Before getting to my point let me first say that, as one of the first EMM/Philips SACD owners, I ... 
Ann Arbor, MI.
I have a number of fellow audio crazies (including myself) who live in West Bloomfield, (3), Plymouth (2), and Livonia (1) that would be interested in getting together.Frank 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Patrick, call Jim White at (818) 759-5556 (company listed number) and speak to him. He is a great guy to deal with and quite helpful.