
Responses from fmpnd

Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
Vortex, GREAT post!I am the biggest Chase fan on the planet!! I have triples of all of his LPs!! He and his band were MONSTERS live!Funky Nassau (go that LP too - love it)Green Eyed Lady is one of my all time favs too!The Horse!! OH MY GOD! Junior... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Aponter4, it looks like I have been had this time. I thought you were serious so it's my turn to dole out the apology. Maybe you SHOULD refer me to that shrink!!! LOL! Man, that is the only problem with the Net, you can't see a person and gather t... 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
Buscis2, great song by the Classics IV but they also had a hit with "Spooky" 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Oh yes Aponter4, I can certainly see how reading this thread that you can come to the conclusion that I take myself too seriously. You are certainly free to trust whomever and whatever you choose. But as I remember from this previous post here on ... 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
The Ides of March with "Vehicle"In fact, 20 years later they came out with a song entitled "One Hit Wonder" where they list a ton of them and poke fun at themselves. 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Yes, Mark, I edited the post because at first I was offended and shocked that you actually thought I would be that low-down so I was a little sarcastic in my response. After re-reading it, I realized that even though I thought my post was SO OUTRA... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Mark, chill my friend. This was just Jacob [Gladstone] and I (who was in on it and with whom I had already spoke about it on the phone) poking fun and kidding around with Jonathan. I had already e-mailed Andrew off line to tell him about it. In fa... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Ah Mr. Gladstone, when tongue leaves cheek, you ain't so bad! Yes, I was correct. Which is why I am having fun with you and Mr. Zeel. Truth be told (God forbid), I haven't heard the Zeel, so unlike you, I won't tease Kharma owners with it - beside... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
LOL!! You da man Gladstone! "May I have the envelope please"And the award goes to . . . .PS - I think Hooper would be fool not to audition the Dartzeel. Now QUINT on the other hand . . . 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Gladstone, since you are SO sincere ;-) in your unabashed praise of this amp you have never heard, and since I ALWAYS do whatever the mags or dealers tell me to do, I am going to rush right out and buy one of them thar Dart Zeals! Ya wanna buy the... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Which system? Yours or his?:-) 
Dartzeel NHB-108
It is the BEST in the world - BAR NONE! It is better than EVERTHING EVER MADE -- the Tenors, the VTLs, the Halcos, the Audio Research, the Rowlands, the Linns, the Manleys, the Tube Research, the [INSERT ANY NAME] - they all PALE in comparison!!! ... 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Tim, now I KNOW yer dreamin!!!! 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Ah, Tim, be gracious and patient Grasshopper! For Mr. Gladstone now HAS a Dynavector XV-1s on his turntable and, I might add, LOVES IT!!!Mr. Gladstone will now remove the tongue from his cheek and own up to his follie!! 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Guilty as charged! Oh, BTW, Gladstone, what NEEDLE is mounted on YER turntable at this time????????????