
Responses from fmpnd

What's under your amp?
Dennis, my advice would be to call Kevin at SRA. I think (but you need to confirm this) part of the cost savings is that the finish on the VR Series is much less time consuming that the outrageous gloss finishes of the OHIO Class bases. I do think... 
What's under your amp?
Sorry about that duplicative site reference. I don't know how I missed that.Here is the Soundstage review site I mentioned: 
What's under your amp?
Dennis,Have you looked into the VR Series of Platforms from Silemt Running Audio? They are much less costly and up to 85% as effective as the OHIO Class bases. I am one of the biggest Doubting Thomases around, so when I reviewed these things (both... 
What are the best Audio Compnent Racks Available?
Well, Einstein WAS a pretty smart guy - I didn't know he designed audio gear too - and here I thought he ONLY worried about theories of "relatives" (which reminds me of that old joke - what is the punisment for bigamy? Two mother-in-laws!!) and qu... 
Audiophile Classical cds?
You WILL get people who question the performances of my recommendation but most would likely agree the sound is excellent - look into almost anything by Reference Recordings.Personally, call me a non-purist but I do like the performances and love ... 
What are the best Audio Compnent Racks Available?
Hey Fred (Fcrowder)!! Sorry I missed you at CES, I had an unavoidable conflict and couldn't be there.I've never had the opportunity to try the Pagode but it sure looks great. Hooper, an A-Gon member, had it and liked it but eventually went to the ... 
What are the best Audio Compnent Racks Available?
Getcha, everyone is likely going to have a different opinion on this one, so take mine in context.First, the most often stated objective for a rack (or any isolation device) is to reduce the resonances and vibrations affecting your gear. Hopefully... 
Best tube preamp, cost not object ?
Sorry Emigene, but it is really impossible to answer your question. It is like asking who makes the best chocolate? It's all opinion unless you give us some idea of what your sonic preferences and priorities are, what your associated system is com... 
Which Lamm should I add to the flock?
I second the 1.2 Refs - they are incredible and a noticeable improvement from my former 1.1s - which I owned for 5 years. They are more much more powerful than their conservative 110 watt rating. I also have the Tenor 300 watt hybrids and the Lamm... 
Is there a difference in balanced cables??
Baffled,You say "I have to believe the difference is subtle. Especially to my untrained ears. . . "Yes and no. Here is the REAL problem so maybe you can get out of this crazy hobby while you still have any savings: The more you get into this hobby... 
Is there a difference in balanced cables??
Baffled,You are asking about one of the great debates in audio. In this regard, my thought is that all the same differences in the various brands of single-ended (RCA) cables also apply to the different brands of balanced (XLR) cables.These differ... 
Leads on mid-1960's Siemens NOS CCa 6922 tubes
I have five pair (ten) of these NOS tubes and I think I can spare a set at MUCH less than the price you quoted (less than half). E-mail me off line if you are interested.Frank 
Accepting International Payments Just Got Harder..
Eldartford, a bank's Fraud Department CAN verify immediately for one of their own checks/money orders whether a check is counterfeit (if the customer requests it). As far as a US Postal money order or another bank's cashier's checks/money orders a... 
Accepting International Payments Just Got Harder..
Zorathustra,As a bank lawyer for a Fraud Department, I can assure you that your bank's position is both reasonable and necessary and in line with many other banks. I know it is an inconvenience for you but, unfortunately, along with the incredible... 
custom built rack's.
Bigjoe, you didn't mention a budget. I hate it when people say this or that is the absolute "BEST" of anything as subjective as that is. That said, I have tried enough isolation products and racks to make most people puke and FOR MY MONEY and tast...