
Responses from fmpnd

Has your gear ever hurt you???
Tboooe,I HAD to respond to your post as it made me laugh that someone else actually had the same silly experience - and here I thought I was alone.I had to get 6 stitches in my leg to stop the bleeding in a gash on my shin from walking into my Lam... 
The end of Audio Intelligent ...
Paul,As always, you are a man of integrity, class and with his priorites in order. I truly enjoyed your products and wish you, Lisa, Joyce and your daughter all the best!Frank Peraino 
Silversmith Audio--Great service provided for me.
In 35 years of being around this hobby, I can say that Jeff Smith s literally the most accommdating, easy going, helpful and honest person I have met. If all audio dealers, distributors and manufacturers had his kind of attitude, audio would be a ... 
Isolation platform under US 500 for CDP
R f sayles, with all due respect, name me ONE product in high end audio that is ten times more expensive that is also ten times as good. I have nothing bad to say at all about the Nueance products, just that your question can apply to everything i... 
Audio Debt?
Ecruz, thank you, you have at least given me one person honest enough to lend credence to my post!! 
Audio Debt?
Wow! Pretty darn responsible crowd here! Good to see. Although I DO agree that people should not live beyond their means and that America is way too debt and credit card crazy, I can't help but wonder if anyone here has ever financed a jet ski, a ... 
Silent Running VR under tube vs solid-state amp
Nsgarch,I am sure you are right about your system. I am also sure you could probably figure out from my post that I wasn't doubting you or your experience. In fact YOUR experience is the same as MINE whenever I treated my system in the past with e... 
Silent Running VR under tube vs solid-state amp
Normally I don't like to say someone is "wrong", Nsgarch, but you are wrong here IMHO. Why? Because I too just like you thought the SAME THING when I first researched SRA products and Kevin told me to start with the amps first for the greatest res... 
Best picture from an under $400 DVD player
Dan,How the heck are ya? Where is Ballston? Frank 
Cleaning Eichmann Silver Bullets
Canyon John, Wrap some blue painters tape around the jacket to avoid getting it on the sheathing. 
Cleaning Eichmann Silver Bullets
Just did it last week - use Tarnish Shield or any other silver cleaner. I simply wiped them clean and they look like new. 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Well, I usually hate to dismiss a product if I don't have sufficient evidence of it's danger. However, given the warning in the instructions coupled with even the "possibility" that it can damage an amp, I am going to pass on using the SST. If any... 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Fsarc,Thanks for the info. I did read the warnings and have heard rumors about potential for it building up. My concerns are: (i) that Andy is not an idiot and used it sparingly like the directions instructed; and (ii) even if I did use it a bit m... 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Are you guys saying that Walker SST can cause an amp to burst into flames like Andy's did? PLEASE let me know if this is something that has happened before as I have a BRAND NEW box of SST I was going to try. I have the SST and the Vivid (which I ... 
All the Emmlabs dcc2/cdsd hoopla..
Thought I'd give a little different perspective. The EMM labs stuff IS very very good, no doubt. I owned it and enjoyed it. But I do not agree with Oneobgyn (who is a friend) that nothing comes close. Digital is always making advancements and I ac...