

Responses from flatblackround

Honest Amp Reviews: Impossible?
Sounds like kenjit. 
What I'm thankful for in Audio ...
Thankful to noromance for teaching me the word perspicacity.  Wish I had more of it. 
What kind of music do you like to hear the most?
As I get older, I listen to more and more classical music.  My semi large collection allows me to pull out just about any genre I care to hear, and I love it all. Country, jazz, pop, punk, rock, soul, world music, opera.  @ Oldhvymec.  There is no... 
What’s your top 5 Christmas albums ?
When I was young it was all about Bing Crosby’s White Christmas.    
What’s your top 5 Christmas albums ?
What?  No Johnny Mathis? 
High end Class D amps?
Thanks roberjerman but I’m mostly crazy.  Probably. 
High end Class D amps?
Nope, meters are static at zero. 
High end Class D amps?
I don’t have experience with those integrated amps, but I think the character of the preamp will be preserved using class d.  I think a nice tube pre and a class d amp would be great. For me it was all about whether the speakers will respond to th... 
When was the first time that you heard great sounding speakers?
I became hooked on audio during the early seventies at college, smoking pot and listening to friends rigs.  I’m sure many were the big Advents.  Later around 1978 I auditioned a number of speakers at Moe’s Sight and Sound in Casper, Wyoming. Can’t... 
High end Class D amps?
I have posted this before.  I was running magnepan 1.7s with a McIntosh MA 6900 integrated, autoformer 200 watts into 4 ohms.  Some folks on audiogon suggested the Maggie’s responded well to much more power. So I purchased Wyred4sound ST1000mkii. ... 
A blessing? Or a curse?
A dream to some, a nightmare to others!!What drivel.  Enjoy the music. 
Next Upgrade??
Buy more vinyl and upgrade your cartridge when the Hanna wears out.    
What sends shivers down your spine when you play it on your system?
Alice Cooper.   The Ballad of Dwight Fry 
How is
Like Noromance, I find it incredible that MC who constantly preaches how “everything matters” should dismiss virtues of separates and monoblock amplifiers.  I don’t run monoblocks, but I would love to try a beefy pair on my Maggie’s.  Come on MC, ... 
You can Vote for Most Valuable Lead Vocals (Rock Groups)
Ann Wilson     Heart