Responses from fiesta75
New amp listening fatigue: Distortion or ?????? It’s not the amount of distortion, it’s the lack of higher order distortion. | |
B.S. Node 2i brick (yet another one) I have not had good luck with Bluesound. | |
Amp Internal Wire Time is so precious, I would rather spend it on something else. I can solder well, just don’t really enjoy it. To each his own, enjoy the time you’re given. | |
10db buzzing sound MC12000 after it warms up Try removing and reseating tubes. | |
HiFi audio Fuse on a CD Transport No. | |
Pricing of Vintage Equipment +1 Hifi shark. | |
Recommendation on speakers for listening to live music Altec 800, JBL Hartsfield. | |
U.P.S Sad! I’ve heard horror stories about the big 3 and witnessed a few before learning the hard way. If you have UPS package it by one of their stores, they cover damage if insured. If THEY don’t pack it, all bets are off! I now use FedEx for items le... | |
Speaker Crossover Capacitor Values,and%20divide%20by%208%20to%20get%20the%202nd. | |
Speaker Crossover Capacitor Values If you use a smaller cap the crossover frequency will be higher. Larger, the frequency will be lower. Film caps are better if you have space . | |
stereo light I asked to see if maybe the led had been replaced. LED over voltage sometimes cause it to be bright then dim. Good luck! | |
Speakers To Replace Castle Edens If I were you, move on to something else. Buy used, go listen to as many as possible! | |
stereo light Was this Sony bought new or used? | |
Speaker Cable Connector Accepting 2 Pairs of Cable I just don’t think you will notice any improvement. | |
Beginner improvements for room acoustics; very helpful Darko video on reverb and RT60 Thanks for sharing! |