
Responses from fedreams

time for amp upgrade
I would second the Edge Electronics amp lineup, the NL or the G series. I have not heard the Pass Labs 350.5 so I am not sure what I maybe missing. With a sensitivity of 89 dB, the more power you can afford the better. I am running planars with si... 
Best isolation device
Here are a few to consider/research, Polycrystal cones inverted, Ceraballs, Feet of Silence, Aurios, Darumas. 
Eco-friendly Bamboo ply speakers
The problem with the claim of "Some bamboo species grow 48 inches in 24 hours, and can reach 100 ft. in 60 days", this is only a partial truth. It takes consistant watering of the plant for 8 to 10 years before it reaches this stage of phenomenal ... 
How are Simaudio's surround processors?
You are right! There are very few surround processors that I know of that come with balanced inputs. You might be able to get it as an option. Probably because Sim Audio has a bypass circuit in their two channel preamps thus the reason to have no ... 
How are Simaudio's surround processors?
The Attraction processors were using the EAD "brains" for the surround processing. Not sure if they still are since EAD is out of business. My understanding is the two channel setup in these units is Sim Audio's design. 
Help me choose new digital player
If you only listen to two channel redbook consider a redbook player. The Edge Electronics G series Cd player is one that comes to mind as a recommendation.As far as mods go, You can probably limit yourself only by your bank account. They have diff... 
System Pictures - Should Owner be there too?
Hey, not all of us are pale! Or old? Or overweight? Or bald? Or even white!? Oops, I don't resemble that statement, sorry! 
Jolida J100, Shanling CDT100, or 640C with DAC?
Sorry, but I have to put a word in for Shanling. The sound is okay out of the box but can be improved with just a tube change. The way to make it really make it sing is to get the unit modified by Reference Audio Mods. I had mine done by Kyle and ... 
Room problems-want to up grade speakers.
Depending on your price range. The Wisdom Audio M-50 produce a great sound but need to be biamped due to the Active Brain which would help with room abnormalities. 
Have Pre/Power amps had there day?
Blame it all on marketing and generating sales. It seem that in all aspects of retailing there is a constant trend of recycling. For example, the necktie, one season it is the skinny tie that is all the rage, then the next it is completely out of ... 
Time span for qualitative shifts of improvement
In my book, the average time span would be every two week pay period. It seems that time is not necessarily the measure for qualitative shifts of improvement rather it is the amount of money one has to spend for the improvements.One could take an ... 
Cryoe your speaker cables
Do a search for cryogenic process in the internet. Most places will charge by the weight of the object. 
Good/great preamp with ht pass through? Thoughts?
Sim Audio has a pass thru for solid state and Jolida for tubes. 
Best way to go HT with focus on 2 channel
Does your current preamp have a bypass circuit in it? If it does, then you can add a home theater processor into the loop. Depending on you price range there are some great processors out there. Welcome to the wide wide world of home theater! 
ICEpower Digital Switching Amps?
As ,mentioned Jeff Rowland is using the ICE power supply as well as Edge Electronics in their latest product debuts.