
Responses from fdpdk

Tidal Hifi has a very limited jazz selection
Qobuz should have a really good catalog for Jazz , not sure if Qobuz is available at your place. 
Can only say i was really impressed with the difference from Cardas provided jumbers to the NORDOST jumbers i had on loan , difference was not subtle. 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
timothyglover Congratulations on your new Odin Power Cords, and it sounds like something i should not try out in my system :)I did have an opportunity to try Tyr 2 and Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables , and i can only say that i am amazed what Valhalla 2... 
Nordost Serial Numbers
ron17 is correct i tried to get a serial number verified and told me that they stopped doing that. 
Audible differences between speaker cables?
I just had an opportunity to try out Nordost Valhalla 2 Speaker cables , and i would never have thought you can gain so much from a speaker cable. Its like getting a new pair of Loudspeakers or a new amplifier.I was really amazed on the gain from ... 
Ethernet Cable
moseley196And your point is ??? 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
@jperry @ron17Thank you to both of you for the great advices , will for sure take notice when the time comes for looking further into the SortFut. 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
@jperry Thank you very much , i have a dealer that has been really great in letting me loan many different cables from NordOst and have also tried the V2 which is for sure very good. The problem is more with something like the SortFut , not as eas... 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
Ron17Thank you very much for you telling me about your experience :)  Highly appreciated. 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
Ron17I see that your using NordOst Sort Fut , what did they do for your speakers ?  
need help for speaker cable
The best advise is of course , to loan cables to see what fits your  taste best.So if you have a dealer near you , ask him about the subject There are many great cables out there , and not knowing your budget and what you have now , makes a recomm... 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
skrymar.Just seen your response now, and i can say that i am testing loudspeaker cable , my dealer lent me a pair of Frey 2. And home i went , listening to some music on my current Yter speaker cables which i run biwired... and always thought they... 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
skrymar.Have you got the Valhalla v2 power cords and V2 Speaker cables ? and how is your perception on what you get ?For others here i can say that i have started upgrading Power Cords started with Heimdall 2 , after i had a loan of Frey 2. That w... 
Personal speaker evolution
I can see that i tend to hold on to speakers very long, as i had not had many different ones.Bose 201Avance Dana  ( Original )Focus Audio FS.788 
NEW!!! Wilson Alexia MkII listening session
That would be an interesting demo, but live to far away , maybe a combination of a holliday and visit sometime.