Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2

Hi guys 

im on the edge on getting myself n upgrade on loudspeaker cables and power cables. 

Current setup: devialet 250, b&w 800 diamond 2*velodyne dd15+

I have been auiditing frey 2 and tyr 2 loudspeaker cables. 
They both are another world upgrade from blue heaven which i already have. 
The Main differense between the tyr 2 and frey 2 are that the tyr 2 are more punchy in the bass on my setup. If the price difference between tyr and frey is worth IT is discussable. 

The thing i Wonder, how would the Valhalla v2 stand againt tyr 2 (and frey2) loudspeaker cables.

is there anyone out there tested this? My dealer dont have the Valhalla v2 for auditioning.

if anyone have any experience with the powercables frey2, tyr2 and Valhalla v2. Feel Free comment the experiences:)

"the Valhalla was another noticible jump in quality. My problem was in between. The Frey & Tyr went kind of sideways. They had a different sound."

elevick- I too have sat through a couple of Nordost sessions. I agree, once the stock cable is replaced with BH, things in between became increasingly subtle, until Valhalla/Odin.

That said, Heimdall works out as the "go to" for my midfi gear. Starting with BH, the power cord is the best buy. For the rest of the cables, Heimdall gets the "trickle down" from Valhalla.

If my system were top notch, I wouldn’t hesitate to go V/O.
thx all for inputs..

seems like im falling on the choice to get the Valhalla v2 speaker cables and power cable.  I havnt heard them or have no chance to hear them before buying.  i hope its gonna be a good jump up from the Tyr2 s..

i realy liked the grand slam the tyr 2 has. hope valhalla have the same punch.


Have you got the Valhalla v2 power cords and V2 Speaker cables ? and how is your perception on what you get ?

For others here i can say that i have started upgrading Power Cords started with Heimdall 2 , after i had a loan of Frey 2. That was interesting as the Heimdall 2 is a good cable it seems to lack some prat... what i mean is when i had the 2 x Frey 2 power cords in my system my feet simply kept tapping. So i was curious on why that stopped with Heimdall 2, as i also got a loan of Sort Kones , i thought they might have done something with the sound , they do in a really good way , but what about the foot tapping prat.
So went back to dealer and he kindly enough loaned me 1 x Frey 2 power cord....and wooouser the foot tapping back on.

Now i also am thinking if i should start with 2 x Frey 2  or just start with 1 x Frey 2 and then next a Tyr 2.

Yea i have got my Valhalla2 setup.

I have to say its very detailed and open. instruments are clearer and fuller. havnt done any A B testing with any other cables yet.

I can say i enjoy listening music more than before. It keep surprising me with all music. live music especially.

I guess the cables are not completly burned in yet.

Putting on anything with Danheim blows me pretty much away with details and depth. compared to what i had before.

worth the jup up from Tyr2.. quite not sure. havnt A B tested.

My wallet is broke and my musical soul in nirvana

Just seen your response now, and i can say that i am testing loudspeaker cable , my dealer lent me a pair of Frey 2. 
And home i went , listening to some music on my current Yter speaker cables which i run biwired... and always thought they did pretty good.
But i was not prepared for the Frey 2 making such a difference ... better seperation in the soundstage , much deeper soundstage , much quieter , so no i not only am upgrading my power cords , but will also have to think of speaker cables.
The Heimdall 2 power cord , took from December to March before it settled in ( it could also be the QB 4 ) but now its really good for the money.
Just ordered a Frey 2 Power cord.

And congratulations on your purchase , i am sure you are in audio nirvana , despite your wallet is broke :-)