
Responses from facten

Audioquest Storm Series power cables
@westcoastaudiophile "thanks for your fb on my credibility, sorry for not impressing you much (yet)!" LOL - still not and frankly won’t be. Be happy in your measurement world doing whatever it is that you do. I’ll enjoy listening to music in my s... 
Audioquest Storm Series power cables
No disagreement with your statement music_is_life - I’ve had a $200 power cord that made a noticeable difference; and have gotten more benefits going beyond that . Too each his own on drawing the line on amount spent. My issue is with folks who ju... 
Audioquest Storm Series power cables
@westcoastaudiophile - Do your own homework; I've done mine and made the change.  Fell free to give it try and post your objective experience. If not just stop with your know it all pronouncements , your supposed background isn’t impressing anyone... 
Audioquest Storm Series power cables
@westcoastaudiophile - Sorry, but in another thread you asked for someone to provide blind testing results between a stock cord and a $1000 cord. This would suggest that you have never tried any quality aftermarket power cord to know whether or no... 
Audioquest Storm Series power cables
Making statements that ungraded power cables don't matter when you actually haven't tried them isn't really providing anyone valuable insights      
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Dee Lucas - Rebirth of the Smooth  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Dee Lucas - The Time Is Now  
Lampizator Golden Atlantic TRP vs Baltic 3
Checkout the WhatsBestForum - fairly regular discussions  on the Baltic and other Lampi DACs  
Hey - What Happened to the Beware of Viking Acoustics Thread
There's more narrative on WhatsBestForum  
Power Cord for DAC
@mdrone - If you haven't already explored this , if you go to the virtual system page and type Bricasti in the query bar it will bring up members who posted systems with Bricasti DACs. This will allow you to either identify what they are using by ... 
Ridiculous sale
What does TMR have to do with the transaction, they aren't selling this amp?    
Footers- Break In? Such A Change.
@ozzy  I also seem to recall that Jay tried them out a while back and commented on his amp thread on here  
Footers- Break In? Such A Change.
@ozzy - You may already have checked out any CM forums over at whatsbestforum, but if not here's a link that has a number of them and might give you more insights from user experiences   https://www.whatsbestforum.com/search/4572/?q=critical+mas... 
Footers- Break In? Such A Change.
@antigrunge2 - Do you have an idea of the weight that each BR Big Pad is rated for?  
Hey - What Happened to the Beware of Viking Acoustics Thread
@ozzy62 - Links were provided above, but for whatever reason on WBF after you click on the main speaker forum 'menu' , you then need to click on the following page the , if you will, submenu for speakers to find those 2 threads