
Responses from facten

Old CDs and records
1st just because there  is streaming CDs and vinyl are not extinct if they were the equipment available today and that continues to be rolled out wouldn't be available. Also browse threads on here or WhatsBestForum, as well as member systems on bo... 
Think Its Possible To Order Tubes From the Ukraine?
Why don’t some one you take your political horse _ __ _ over to yahoo, facebook or some political forum and let this one stay focused  on audio  
The review wehave been promising is up
+1 ozzy62  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Dee Lucas - The Smooth Factor  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Eric Clapton - 24 Nights  
Update on Production of Western Electric Tubes
@twoleftears - Yes, see below link. It is for gathering information for their planning tube production lineup expansion, however that doesn’t mean all tube types would be produced. https://www.westernelectric.com/expand    
Update on Production of Western Electric Tubes
@lg1 The article did not mention that WE had any intention in making the EL34. Guess we'll see down the road what possible other decisions they make  
How to secure a large power cord to a piece of equipment?
+1 chayro  
Was my friend given misinformation.
Think you’re being generous describing a Best Buy Magnolia employee as an Audio Expert. But hopefully you were being humorous  
Was my friend given misinformation.
Must not be much of a friend , he listened to the best buy guy and not you  
Results with Shunyata Venom Defender
Don't have a dedicated circuit, defender didn't drop the volume slightly or otherwise in either of my systems  
Results with Shunyata Venom Defender
I added a defender in both of my systems a while ago and have not found them to have caused any "lean" sound; rather they added to the benefits already provided by the Blue Circle power conditioners i use  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Acoustic Alchemy - Against the Grain  
New Coincident Frankenstein 300B Stereo Version
@sim_audio_nerd - suggest private messaging member charles1dad , though he may see this thread and respond directly. He has coincident speakers, preamp  and Frankenstein; and I find him to be objective in providing his thoughts  
Ridiculous sale
The ridiculous price on the Decware has now dropped from $4500 to $3600 - still over priced. BTW, the ad claims that the bypass cap upgrade is $400, Decware site states $250. Best to know who you are dealing with