
Responses from facten

Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?
Spheres? Thought monolith concrete speakers were the way to go professor?  
Is it worth to get 2 m Nodorst vs 1m
@urbie  Are you going to post the same comment on every power cord thread? Have you personally done the comparisons against the specific power cords that you denigrate? Offer up more than what appears to constitute a sales pitch.  
Sonic Gains Moving from CA CXC or Audiolab CDT6000 up to Jays audio CD2 MkIII Transport?
there are a number of threads on transports where you can probably get the general , if not specific answer that yes there will be. I don’t have the Jay’s , but I did move from a Cambridge CXC to a Simausio 260DT and the improvement in SQ was imme... 
Do Streamer only devices really impact sound quality?
@tk21  @soix  I think two different setups are being discussed here.  My take is that tk21 is talking about not hearing the impact of a streamer in an all in one unit. So yes who knows if any difference is due the DAC or the streamer, or parts , o... 
Digital enhancement
These what?  
Do Streamer only devices really impact sound quality?
@dvdgreco  "That said, the streamer itself could not influence the sound quality heard by the audience. I think it is bit-perfect information coming across to the dac." Sure the streamer itself can the sound quality -  parts quality, implementati... 
Audiolab 6000CDT
+1 charles1dad  
Audiolab 6000CDT
@soix  - A few years ago I tried the Wyred Remedy and it produced zero SQ benefit in both of my systems. I have no experience with the EASM  
Is it worth upgrading a CD player?
@jbuhl   Aside from the price , the only difference between the original and the current version is the look of the casework  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Nils - Cool Shades  
Is it worth upgrading a CD player?
@side22olto "I’ve ripped my CDs to Apple Lossless." Okay then does this mean that you don’t want a CD transport or another CD player to use as a transport to see if you will get better SQ than the CD player you have and supposedly use as a transp... 
Slow Shipping Question - UPS
The answers  you need are not going to be found posting here. More speculation from others isn't going to resolve your angst  
Is it worth upgrading a CD player?
@charles1dad  +1.       
Is it worth upgrading a CD player?
@side22olto  - I haven't heard your DAC so I can't offer an opinion on its SQ. As far as whether or not you may or may not heard a difference with another transport in combination with it only you can decide by listening with your equipment. Howev... 
Best sounding CD player
@mbmi  - I was reacting to your comment that a $600 Audiolab transport coupled with a quality DAC will get you the equivalent of "+10K big boy" ; that hasn't been my  experience.  Folks understate the SQ impact of quality transports.  CEC is well ...