
Responses from facten

Best DACs under $7,000.00
@gregjacob Below are the link to the WhatBestForum Baltic 3 thread that was mentioned above    
Best DACs under $7,000.00
I'll 2nd the nod on Mojo Audio , had an EVO , but unless you can get one via used sale, or a trade-in or demo from Mojo it will be out of your price range. A DAC that gets acclaim in your price range is the Merason DAC 1    
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@fsonicsmith - I guess time will tell if Ralph's assessment pans out, but I'm essentially with you none of my tube amps are going anywhere unless I purchase some other tube amp, or the powers to be come breaking down the door to mandating its cart... 
Modwright Elyse DAC input issues
I spin CDs and back in August I purchased a Neodio Origine S2 CD player with it becoming my main source in my main system. With that change I sold off my Mojo Audio EVO DAC (thoroughly enjoyed it) and moved my SimAudio 260DT transport into my 2nd ... 
NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?
@kuribo thyname asked you if you owned the M23, you replied "No, I have heard it but do not own it". Hence my question about your take on the sound. Why the change in response to "I haven't heard the NAD M23 "? Whether or not you have heard other ... 
NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?
@kuribo - Since you have heard the M23 what insights on its sound do you have, and how specifically does its sound coincide with the test results that you are impressed with?  
NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?
Nah was just curious if that was something he bothers doing; or if he just tests  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Forget him , can the thread  get back on point.  
NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?
Is there a part 2 to this where Gene actually listens to the amp and provides comments vis a vis his test results?  
CD Transport Question
Project seems to be hit or miss on its quality control - read the thread on its $3K transport.    
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Art Porter - Undercover  
The MoFi Mess and TAS rolling over for them
"I don't think there was deceit. Perhaps not being as honest of every detail about each stage of the mastering" So what is it then , partial deceit? You either honestly disclose all or if you don't you are deceitful  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@rsf507 "So are people going to start talking about the sound of the Atmasphere amps?"   Unfortunately that ship long passed once Mr measurement decided to take over the thread.  
Infigo Audio Cables
@lak - Yes just did  
You want a DAC that sounds *different.* What factor helps you find it?