
Responses from face

Long USB cable
What does HDMI have to do with USB? 
bel canto and wyred 4 sound
Fuji/Gala... :D Yes, caps are changed in a couple of locations. I'd love to be present for a Class D comparison too. Off the top of my head, the only others I've heard were Bel Canto's TOTL monos. They sounded good too, but were in a different rig... 
bel canto and wyred 4 sound
Magfan, aside from adding an input buffer, I know for a fact W4S does modify their modules. 
Joseph Audio Pulsar?
I also heard these at Axpona NYC and came away impressed. Very coherent, great tonality, and good extension for a small speaker. 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
If by fat you mean distorted, then yes, you're correct. 
When to get your amp up graded caps ???
Why not give Audio Classics a call to see what was done to the amp? 
Trouble with ballance pot.
Caig FaderLube is the correct product to use in this instance. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Not having a matched pair of speakers throws any spacial comparisons(imaging/soundstage) out the window. 
Revel Salon2 vs Wilson Sasha
If you want accuracy, Revel. If you want, "hey, look at me", Wilson. 
Wyred 4 Sound.....Anyone?????
I'd love to hear a logical explanation for this. 
Wyred4Sound Dac-2 vs Preamp and separate DAC
If you're going to use the USB input, grab a DAC-2. The DAC-2 does have a very nice preamp section, but I prefer the sound of their STP-SE as a pre. 
Opinions on Wyred 4 Sound ICE amps
Lets say you entered your dealers store and told him.You'd won some serious money and then asked him.How much better is the Krell separates?That's why I leave the black card at home. 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
Shadorne, a competent designer shouldn't have a problem eliminating audible ringing from Accuton drivers. They're much easier to work with than your typical aluminum or magnesium drivers. Choosing the correct slopes, appropriate crossover frequenc... 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
It's the lack of coloration that makes them so good. 
Why not horns?
Horns blow. :)