Responses from erik_squires
Attack of the Clone Amplifiers I’m not sure it’s an input resistor or a 2:1 isolation transformer actually. The latter makes more sense and is more likely to warm up the sound. Good one’s are around $75 each from Jensen Transformers. I believe this is similar to what JR was doi... | |
Speaker Recommendation Needed I'm a big fan of the Monitor Audio silvers, never heard a Zu. Also, the Wharferdale diamond series use remarkably good tweeters, and over at the DIY forums a couple of members have upgraded the tweeter caps and been very happy with the results. No... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD ctsooner kind of proves my point. :) That's a lot of upgrading to make a source sound good. I'm sticking to my Logitech Squeezebox until the Zombie apocalypse happens, thank you very much. Then I plan to walk into an empty audio store and pick u... | |
Will an Isolation Transformer Help My Digital? I agree, it's more likely you have a bad device. This sounds like a digital power supply nearing the end of it's life. Getting a noise isolation device is just going to mask the problem until smoke comes out the top. :) Best,Erik | |
What makes an expensive speaker expensive Well, if we are now talking about what makes an upgrade expensive, I read online, but never verified myself, that B&W has a couple of very closely related lines. The higher end line is identical except for a Mundorf MKP replacing the default ... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD So a couple of the worst sounding reproductions I’ve heard came from a Mac Mini. Not sure if it was really a Mac issue or coincidental. One was with the Oppo high end headphone DAC/Amp. The other was the sound of an Ayre QB-9. I love Ayre and the ... | |
Attack of the Clone Amplifiers I bought a set of ICEpower 250's from Parts Express, I traded all my Parasound A23's out after listening. I couldn't hear a difference and the ICEPower units cost a lot less to run in a smaller space. I think that spoke well for Parasound AND IC... | |
Sopra No.2 Overpriced? Ejr:That makes perfect sense to me. :) Now imagine if you could build your own, what kind of speakers you could afford. :) Best,Erik | |
Why should i be a fan of Revel speakers? Revel’s get praise for having such a wide listening area, and they sound pretty good. Listen to them yourself. I would suggest play some horn music as well, sax and trumpets. In the demo I heard I heard things I didn’t like there. You should use y... | |
HOME THEATer PRE AMP NAD, ROTEL, or Anthem How about a Parasound P7 + Oppo + miniDSP nanoAVRMuch cheaper. :) I listened to the NAD Master Series DAC and was hugely disappointed, but it was cold. Still, shiver, very hard and blurry treble. | |
Integrated Match to Focal Spora No. 2 Hi Stevizzy,I am a huge fan of Scanspeak, and that is who they have sourced their drivers from. They now use custom driver materials though. Also, I have toured their factory. They use the highest grade Mundorf crossovers. Or rather, they match th... | |
Integrated Match to Focal Spora No. 2 Hi Stevizzy! I've not looked at the Sopra crossovers, but the curve looks familiar to me. Take a look at this analysis for the Focal Profile crossover. Scroll down to "Bogus Woofer Cap" and look at the schematic there. See if you have something s... | |
Best Used Speaker Under $4,000 w/ Respectable Lows My goto affordable speakers are Monitor Audio, but with your requirements, maybe a TAD or JBL professional monitor? | |
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why? If I had to buy used... Sonus Faber Cremona Elipsa or Stradivari with a Dirac Live DSP before my DAC. :-) Main reason is they are stunning, second I love the tweeters they used, not to mention the overall performances. :) I would spend around 2k o... | |
Please Buy These Speakers! You might want to take this request over to the DIYAudio forum's classifieds. Lots of DIY'ers there may be interested. |