
Discussions erik_squires has started

Ask the local curmudgeon (me) anything related to tech or liquor. :) 381871
What reviewers have been craving, built in hearing aids with TVs9994
Veteran's Org that would take 5.1 speakers?6731
The Carver Amp Challenge and the 21st Century and it's Failure1789757
Maybe amps need a third terminal? 14611
An encounter and lesson in speaker prices ...656355
Visit to Excel Audio20145
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux 27921104
Super Simple theory on speaker cables204816
We are buying and reviewing gear all wrong380653
How I would measure cables209732
Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?312052
Topping DX3 Pro - Live74748
Preserving the sound of the ultimate audio gear for future generations ...147613
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.46521181