
Discussions erik_squires has started

The D'Appolito, MTM Configuration100619
Microphonics, Feedback and Bob Carver100216
Upgrade your dimmers for quieter AC and room noise3931
I wish Ayre made a portable headphone amp2573
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.5238103
Measurements for a dedicated line319361
Is it time for new breakers?42711
My Four Favorite SS Amps149125
Subwoofer speed is in the room, not the box5450106
All speakers have a little EQ built in187639
Integrateds: Luxman vs. Ayre?194819
It's attention, not money, we should budget171328
The subwoofer site we don't talk about enough28678
New Goldberg Variations55514
If Conrad Johnson still made a DAC it would sound like??131614