
Responses from english210

can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
My thought is the amp is straining, hence the thread. The receiver is running an outboard MX2 amp, 125wpc (although somewhere I read it was 150). Perhaps there's a gain issue between the avr and amp, but as both are Yamaha, I didn't really conside... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
Possibly, but it's a Yamaha AVR, hardly audiophile quality, but since the issue is only an issue at higher volumes, it seems to be a power amp issue - a new pre isn't in the cards for now, the room is also the family/tv/movie room. 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
can anyone offer opinions of a Peachtree 220 amp as an option for taming the highs on my speakers? 
Paradigm 100 vs BW CM9 vs Aperion Verus vs KEFQ900
I listened to Paradigm studios (mid-$3K range) and B&W CM9's at one dealer, and was left unimpressed. Listened to PSB Imagine T2's at another dealer and loved them. Went back a few weeks later, after playing with my old Infinity's and adding a... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
You make a good point, and I suppose the amp being a cure-all is optimistic at best, but it's where I need to start. At least the feedback/advice I've gotten (thanks to all!!) is encouraging me that I can make an improvement. Perhaps for long enou... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
I am a little surprised that my Kappa's, $1600 list 25 years ago, weren't blown away by what I heard out of the PSB's ($3500-5500). The PSB's were better, don't get me wrong, but not enough to justify that much cash. An amp is necessary purely bec... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
I was warned away from bridging by Richard Schram at Parasound as well. He said to go with the 2250. I've since read that an HCA 2200II is a better amp, though. It certainly specs out better in terms of current,but that doesn't tell me how the hig... 
Does you wife touch your system?
I've programmed the remote so she can operate all she wants to. As far as the 'normal' wife attitude of any money spent is a waste, her attitude is since I make money, i should be able to spend it too, as long as everything gets paid, she won't co... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
Ok, thanks. So it's the ST500 vs Mamps from W4S. The AVA Synergy 450, or the Parasound 2250 vs HCA2200II (I'm reading that the HCA is 'better' than the New Classic Line). I emailed Parasound last night, and the President emailed back with his advi... 
Home Theater Noob Looking to Upgrade
The only other thing to look at on the receiver you have is whether it has 'Pre-Amp out' jacks. This is important for purposes of adding an amplifier to supplement the receiver's amps. I bought a receiver around Christmas and was assured it had th... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
Oh, another question, brought on by looking at the amp options - Should I get a stereo w/225-250wpc, or for example 2 Halo A23's and bridge them to mono? W4S also has the mono options, so any opinions on that? I can't bi-amp the speakers, but I ca... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
I'll call Parasound, thanks. Sounds like your issues were similar, and solved the way I'm hoping to solve mine...the measure of a man's intelligence is the degree to which he agrees with you? ;)The AVA Synergy looks good to - listed to be laid bac... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
I've looked into Parasounds as well. The hard part is auditions. Surfing the forums, Emotiva is a great value, but likely to be no help with the issue I'm trying to solve. I agree speakers make the greatest difference in sound, but given the amp n... 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
Thanks. The PSB's sound great, don't get me wrong, but $3500-5500 better?? It would take an in-home trial to really compare, of course, but then again, if that's the only way to tell, then that's too close to be worth that much $$.Ok, so we have a... 
Amps - New vs. Used
There's obviously a reason all these brands exist and coexist, are there 'brand flavors' of sound that would help narrow the field somewhat, or levels of quality? Or is it all subjective, and simply finding what I like by auditions and/or home tri...