
Discussions emergingsoul has started

Ideal Connection path to a dac?12147
How can I get a discount on Roon lifetime price $6991838814
Chord TT2 - use Tidal or Qobuz?463011
SPDIF cable same as coaxial cable?1174833
Splitting cable - degradation of signal14644
Roon - Sample rate conversion?49281
DAC Connections to streamer? 1052611
Bluesound installed DAC - music killer?708136
Airplay vs Ethernet - tidal20255
More money toward better speakers or a better DAC?869753
What’s connected to your Chord dac incoming ports?13694
Chord TT2. - what’s a great streamer companion?44665
How do I feed the Chord Dave? TT2 plus m scaler, a better choice?80225
TV Mounted above fireplace mantel - neck strain?297413
Kenwood KX-1060 cassette deck not working12734