
Responses from emailists

A Warning for Owners of Furman IT Refernence 20i
I have an older Reference 15.  I imagine it has the same part?   
Which Streamer is a Major Upgrade over PS Audio Bridge II in a DSD DAC
Before getting a streamer I would consider auditioning an EtherRegen to feed the bridge 2. It really helped my system to sound better, and it will still be of value if you do get another streamer. PS is coming out with their own streamer with galv... 
Amir and Blind Testing
It appears that the fake science site are such complete amateurs that they measured the wrong AC output port on their recent power conditioner “review” according to Paul McGowen, who said they should issue a retraction for their shoddy work. I ca... 
Power Conditioning on the Cheap
@buddyboy1 I had read that the power quest was very similar tech to Niagara 1000/1200, and one Amazon review claimed they sounded the same.  I was putting together a small system when away from home and picked up the power quest 3 and Audioquest e... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
My system’s gear has been stable over many years. I always thought my system just wasn’t capable of portraying large scale orchestras. Maybe the stand mount speaker with an 8” woofer and subs with 10” woofer was too small, or the room too large. ... 
Go Cat8!
Anyone else have a chance to try these cat8 cables out? Now that I have some more time on them, I’m realizing their benefit throughout the spectrum.  Listening to Hubert Laws Rights Of Spring DSD really shows off the added realism of the flutes. ... 
Power Conditioning on the Cheap
Underwood HIFi has a line of lower cost power conditioners and offers a trial period. I am personally a fan of the Garth Powell units (Furman and Audioquest) that have storage in the unit for more power than the line can deliver for transients. W... 
Looks like PS Audio has a hit on their hands with the new speaker
Rix I am not using the BHK pre- I use Atma-sphere mp1 all tube unit, balanced into the BHK300’s.    
Law of Accelerated Returns
While acoustics are important, a real instrument no matter what acoustic environment it is played in, is easily identifiable as a real instrument. Acoustics can’t create dynamics, timbre, leading edge, inner detail, bandwidth or fidelity.  A tale... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
@sokogear Why would you think spending double on a speaker would yield a very small improvement?  I would think if chosen well, it would be a large improvement.     Plus we all know a system is the sum of its parts, and small benefits stack up an... 
Go Cat8!
Funny thing is As I I did the switch my GF kept asking why I keep listening to the same tracks over and over again.   I explained that if she told any of the IT people she knows that I heard a difference switching Ethernet cables, they would laugh... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
I just posted in the ONTI Cat8 cable thread about what 2 ethernet cables for a total of 95$ did for my system. Looking at the nice chart @lanx0003 created, my observation is that inexpensive (or not so inexpensive) upgrades take that Diminishing ... 
Go Cat8!
So my Onti cables arrived today. I used the free shipping to save $40 and it came in less than 2 weeks as opposed to the well over a month Aliexpress indicated. (I’m in NYC) I ordered a 12 meter and a 1 meter. The long cable goes from my Mac Pro ... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
@jerryg123 who has apparently left us brings us a good point which I'd like to elaborate upon. There have been several times in my audio journey when I listened to a system that was beyond my ability to fully process it.  Over time and with exper... 
Law of Accelerated Returns
If anyone bothers to read my posts I have been rallying against the concept of diminishing returns. Just today I posted about a $95 ethernet cable purchase (2 cables) hoping it makes a nice upgrade. If the cables (when they arrive) make just a 1...