
Responses from emailists

Quad ESLs - I have some questions
To anyone considering an electrostat, trust me, if you can afford the space and cash, go for a Soundlab. There are only a few dealers, and I have not heard them in quite a few years, but they are so far superior to other ’stat design I have heard.... 
What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
@Buildier3 wrote "Most fun? Pioneer HPM-100’s, back in the day. Everything was fun then."Man you took the words right out of my mouth. I used to own those baby’s in high school, and though a bit boomy, man I loved them with my technics receiver an... 
Quad ESLs - I have some questions
While I love quads and used to own 63’s with the full crosby mod, I got sick of getting panels replaced. Today you can buy refurbished panels, which cost much less, but still they have to be installed.So do your homework and make sure you can deal... 
So What Is Real?
Why is the worst threads seem to get the most posts lately?    
Tice Power Block
Based on what jab has heard then yes you need to replace the TICE, or maybe use for another location or component.  The only timeless TICE product Was the clock which I still own.   That baby still tells the time.     
AudioQuest Niagara 1000 and Bose Lifestyle?
Why not plug the Bose into the 7000 even if by long extension cord to hear its effect.   I can’t imagine it not making the Bose sound better, and you can decide at that time if it’s worth the outlay.i also run the 7000, and hope to get a dedicated... 
Considering going back to Solid State
Wait a second.... they make stereo equipment without tubes? Are you sure? Is that even technically possible?   I know they make tv’s now without tubes but a stereo.... that’s just crazy talk.  
Graham arm silicon replacement - new product with higher viscosity
I ordered some 1 million cSt so I'll have to see how that works. 
'Diamond' cantilevers: a man's best friend?
According to sound Smith one of the best cantelevers is   Just go pick a cactus needle.... LOL.  
Just wanted to chime in since I never replied since posting I had ordered the Adante AC-61 center channel quite some time ago. Since I’m only using an Adante for HT center, I can’t really comment about its use for stereo, but I can say anyone who ... 
Do you prefer tidy room to messy one with better sound?
My first question is what happened to the Sceana line source towers that were paired with those subs?  I used to love the Sceana’s and toyed with buying them.  On the neat before photo you can see the listening room is not so much a room as is it ... 
Tad CR1's or Blade 1's
Sciencecop is right in that I tend to gravitate to  highly resolving systems that can be forward sounding. I also pair them with tubes (Atmasphere tube pre and tube input section off BHK300 amps) so it’s not what I’d call hard sounding. I found th... 
Tad CR1's or Blade 1's
Wow - great question. If you’ve heard ever TAD’s and like the sound, there is no way you will disappointed with CR1’s. Like other very high end speakers, perhaps even more so, the CR1’s are going to deliver dependent upon what amp is powering them... 
Should I still buy a CD player? Suggest one?
That’s amazing that Best Buy will stop selling CD’s.  I wonder if they will still sell vinyl.  That would be an incredible turn of events if they did.  Too bad insurance won’t just give you the money the player is worth.  Are you required to repla... 
Speakers or room
I would start with treating the upper and lower corners of the room. Eliminating Echo slap will provide significant reduction of artifacts.I was in a reverberant space years ago with high ceilings and many corners. Even using the very small and th...