Responses from elsneb
speaker advice I my opinion, they will sound better in your home properly set up and tweaked by you. The Callisto has amazing bass response for a monitor and the small room will accent this. Good solid stands will be needed for these 60 lb. speakers and the lack... | |
speaker advice Is this the 13x15 room from your last thread or a different room? Small, mediun or large, the GMA Callisto is the ticket. I have had mine for 20 months and I don't look for speakers. I'm still amazed at the music they convey, the band and instrume... | |
speaker recomendation Green Mountain Audio Europa or Europa Max would be a great choice. 90 db effecient, first order crossover, dead quiet cabinet design and outstanding value by a first rate company. Vast amount of information on their website:http://www.greenmountai... | |
Power Conditioner for your amplifier? My experience was with an Audio Magic Eclipse power conditioner and it sucked the life out of my amp. Sent it back to Audio Magic and had to fight to get my money back. Straight into a dedicated circuit has been the best investment for me.Enjoy! | |
New 11' x 7' listening room....small speaker? If you are considering Green Mountain Audio speakers, call Roy Johnson. He is a master at placement with all the soundstage work he has done in the past. Your room is tough. The Callisto's are bottom ported and can be close to the walls, but Roy w... | |
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM My previous post disappeared from this thread. My guess is that when I mentioned marketing technics, someone was offended. The true audio enthusiast will seek out the best speakers they can afford, whether it takes travel to find them, if you want... | |
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM I believe once you hear the Callisto, you will understand what we are trying to convey here. Enjoy! | |
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM The ability to play and enjoy ANY recording is one of the primary advantages of time/phase aligned speakers. I no longer have un-listenable or un-enjoyable recordings in my collection since purchasing the GMA speakers.Exactly. | |
Best monitor for female vocals? I've listened to all the above mentioned speakers and there are some very good monitors listed, but for me, the Green Mountain Audio Callistos took the prize. First order crossover's do not color the vocals or the music. Pure clean sound that has ... | |
Speaker Suggestions Green Mountain Audio Europa is a serious speakers for the money. Found used here from $500-$600 and lifetime warranty. You won't be disappointed. $995.00 factory direct.http://www.greenmountainaudio.com/Speakers/Europa/Welcome.htm | |
Do you know of small speakers that sound ''BIG'' ? Green Mountain Audio Callisto disappear and you think the whole band is in front of you. These speakers never make you think they are small, they are just about the music.http://www.greenmountainaudio.com/Speakers/Callisto/Welcome.htm | |
The best speaker you ever heard? I also agree on the Green Mountain Audio speakers. Once you experience them in your home, you will want no other speakers. | |
LARGER SWEET SPOT WANTED Von Schweikert ? Green Mountain Audio Callisto make your whole room the sweet spot. One of the things I love about these, besides the huge soundstage, is the ability to sit in any chair in the room and enjoy the music. 91-92 db effecient, first order crossover and... | |
Vandersteen, Coincident or Green Mountain Green Mountain Audio speakers are the most enjoyable speakers I have owned in 30 years. The music flows and the soundstage is huge. Of course, the best way is an audition. With no dealer close to you, I would not be surprised if Roy could arrange ... | |
best speakers for vocals? I agree with Songwriter72 on this one. I own the Green Mountain Audio Callisto which are way under your budget. Live sound with voice like the band is right in front of me. Friends say the band is here. You could easily move up the GMA line. Give ... |