

Responses from elinor

Mix & Match Interconnects
I suggest using the best interconnects between your preamp and amp. This is the heart of your electronics. I find that you can get away with less between your cd player and the preamp. It's OK to mix companies, but you can probably achieve the mos... 
Vinyl Newbie Needs Help
If you like the blues, try some of the fantastic new recordings from Accoustic Sounds Blue Heaven Studios. They will blow you away from the performances to the recording quality. 
Conrad Johnson Premier 10 noise problems
Just call CJ in Fairfax VA. They will know exactly what it is and either instruct you on how to fix it yourself or you can send it to them for repair. They are very helpful. If you live in the Phladelphia area, Bob Backert is a CJ repair expert wi... 
Transport Life Expectancy
I would say about 8 - 10 years based on experience. I would not buy a CD Trans or Player at Audiogon which is more than 4 - 5 years old. Some models were produced for years, like the CAL Audio Delta, so you have to find out by serial number how ol... 
Revel and Tubes ???
I own Revel Studio Ultimas. I don't know how large or what power rating is required by your speakers, but mine would require a monster sized tube amp to control the woofers. And you want an integrated tube amp? Not likely to be up to the job. 
Whatever happened to HDCD?
It's difficult to ask "What Happened to HDCD" when it really never happened at all for much the same reason that SACD isn't happening. Good ol' Doc Johnson and friend came up with the idea, but wanted too much money for the encoding chip for the r... 
Krell CD-DSP cd player?????
Be careful of old digital players. Lasers are notorious for scanning problems in machines which are 10+ years old. My Cal Lab Delta and a friend's Krell CD-1 had lasers which began having problems at this age. They are usually not repairable. This... 
Help me choosing turntable
I suggest you look for a Well Tempered TT - latest version with round motor. This might be a little more than you planned to spend, but it is worth it. I laugh when I see these on Audiogon being offered for $1K or even less. Just because there are... 
Wadia 631 grainy and "dirty" sounding vs ML 390s
I cannot remember if I have heard these models, but I have heard many ML's and Wadias on very revealing systems since I live near a shop that sells both. I think both are excellent brands in general and offer some of the best CD playback available... 
Used M.Logans-What to look for?
I'm not certain what you mean by "what to look for." I assume you know what they sound like since you want to purchase them. I assume you know that you need ample space (at least 4 - 5 feet) behind them and no rack or equipment between them. I ass... 
The last valve pre amp I'll ever need.
Based upon your description of your listening style and taste, I highly recommend the Hovland HP-100. I own one and it is spectacular. It can be had as a line stage or integrated with a MM or MC phono section. Spectacular detail without being in y... 
would this Deter you from buying used gear????
I don't have an opinion regarding engraving audio equipment. I do, however, think that every congressman and senator who have received campaign contributions from the NRA or gun manufacturers should have their foreheads engraved with the same. 
Anyone own a Red Rose Preamp?
I own the Hovland HP-100. I have not heard another preamp at any price that compares in many ways. Certainly there are some that are better in some ways, but not the important ways. There is the difference. I have heard Red Rose equipment at Mark ... 
Classical fans, I need advice
I suggest that if you live in or near a city with a good orchestra, buy a season subscription and go listen to live music. There are too many audiophiles out there who don't have a clue as to what live accoustic music sounds like. How they go abou... 
Revel Studio or Revel Salon?
Here is the audio truth regarding the Revels v/s Wilson Watts. Buy the Revel Studios. I'll say it again. Buy the Revel Studios. I have heard Wilson Watts in every generation in which they have been marketed. What are we in now? Number 7? If David ...