

Responses from elinor

Raven AC one motor
I tried the VPI Ring. It did not fit the platter. The record sits on the section of the platter which is copper and the outermost circumference of the side walls of the platter extend beyond the copper portion making the overall dimension greater ... 
Raven AC one motor
Ditto to all my fellow TW owners and the responses posted. I use the Millenium Mat supplied by TW Raven and I have added the HRS Record Weight. In spite of TW's insistance that a clamp or weight is unnecessary with his TT, the addition of such is ... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
Tim,I own the Raven AC - 1 motor table. I have heard the Tri-Planar, Phantom, and Dynavector arms mounted on the TW - AC 3 motor version at Hi-Water Sound in NYC, all in one listening session. All had different cartridges mounted. There is no tell... 
Best Glue for LP cover seams?
I use Elmer's Glue. A thin bead of glue and a heavy old book placed on the seam for an hour holds the bond. 
Record cleaning machine makes more surface noise?
Since no one else has mentioned this, let me be the first. If your records are very worn and were not properly cared for from the time they were purchased by you or a previous owner, all the cleaning in the world will not make them sound less scra... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
You are all correct regarding the issues of tonearms, linear v/s pivoted tracking, how cartridges perform in those arms, and the effects with regard to the Raven and the Walker. I love my Raven/Tri-Planar set-up, but had I the cash, I would have g... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
This is almost getting boring folks! But, to satisfy anyone's curiosity, the Walker is still the best TT I have heard at any price and I OWN the TW Raven! Lloyd's TT has been on my radar since 1996 at the first Stereophile Show in NYC at which he ... 
Vinyl vs. top-notch digital
Jeff,Everyone has given you good advice. The Rocky Mountain Show is not far off. If it is convenient for you to attend, I urge you to do so. You will be treated to many analog sources in a couple of days. Finding another A-Goner with a very good a... 
Mono Cartridge, is it worth the investment?
I do not own a mono cartridge, but I recently heard the top of the line Dynavector Mono cartridge on a TW Raven AC Table. I thought it was very good when used to play mono records. Worth the investment? How many mono recordings you own or are like... 
New Re-Issue Vinyl: Surface Noise, Ticks, Pops....
I was in the retail record biz 30 years ago in what was one of the largest and most successful record/audio chains of the era. Trust me when I say that a large percentage of records were defective. Anyone who remembers otherwise is not remembering... 
Walker or VPI motor controller with scoutmaster?
A turntable without a motor controller is only 1/2 a turntable. The addition of a motor controller will give you unending pleasure. How can you get the most out of a TT AC motor which varies constantly in its rotational speed regardless of how goo... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Let us not forget that the choice of microphone at the recording session will color the recording not to mention the placement of the mics and the room in which the recording was made. More directly to the point, I think Valin's review was incompl... 
dynavector capacitance
What is the gain in the phono section of the Perreaux? The output of your cartridge is low and it is a moving coil cartridge. 
Enjoying vinyl more than ever.........
Your system may be modest in cost, but not in quality. I have no doubt that your Rogue driving those Vandys must be very sweet indeed. I agree with what some others have said already. A good record cleaning machine will buy you a lot of good sound... 
Vinyl newbie - have a few questions
You don't say what kind of noise you hear. If it is a general hiss it can be on the original tape from which the records were pressed. OR it can be a poor quality phono stage, OR the phono stage might have inadequate gain to amplify the signal fro...