Diy amp-pre-amp, from "scrach"? | curtis1 | 1964 | 2 | |
Everybody should... | garfish | 2130 | 1 | |
MIT or MITH? | maxgain | 4007 | 17 | |
Bel-Canto Evo THE best amp? | hiflyer | 2614 | 5 | |
Rega loudspeakers? | eldragon | 1995 | 3 | |
Diy "recepies" for speaker wire anyone? | darkmoebius | 3536 | 9 | |
Sealed vs Vented enclosures | rayhall | 3512 | 13 | |
Anybody tried Sumiko OCOS cables...? | smw1950 | 5708 | 4 | |
BEST classical guitar.....CD! | hcfolm | 3633 | 10 | |
Best minimonitors in range of 1k -used? | eldragon | 1811 | 7 | |
Recom. cable for Plinius-Dynaudio 3.0 | fld | 2143 | 2 | |
Best beer made...anywere? | sdcampbell | 2313 | 13 | |
Speaker suggestions for Plinius, Muse... | harkey | 3751 | 8 | |
Meadowlark drivers, tweeters...? | bfvasil | 2008 | 2 | |
AR SP-c1 pre-amp | sparky57 | 2666 | 7 | |