
Discussions eldragon has started

Need help with Quad ESL63/Gradient30966
Need more power25003
Does anyone prefer Toslink, with DAC?26263
Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS4548576
Great find at the "Big Lot's"19631
URGENTLY Needed info on DPA DX128 Dac...31282
Diy Watt/puppy clones: follow up39955
My first and last DIY project481819
If you weren't at the CES 2002, check this...28767
Any comfortable Quality headphones...24985
Celibidache on DG or EMI?312811
Looking for Mozart in Egypt10781
Tube amp problem29316
Did Marconi invented radio...?294113
"Sizzling" tweeters at high volume?394011