
Responses from effischer

If your system were a car!
S class Benz sedan:  Fully featured, reliable, holds its value and really responds when you ask. 
Sota Sapphire what cables?
The Sapphire is a major upgrade from the RP1; you will be very happy.  You don't say which arm you have on it, but I've had very good success with Cardas Golden Reference.  It wasn't horribly expensive (~$400 new) and is very neutral to my ears wi... 
TO BE OR NOT TO BE the user of a record clamp
I've used both a weight with an integral clamp and clamp-only.  The weight/clamp works well on my vintage Pioneer PL 15D II.  I think because the platter is very light and the weight provides extra mass and stabilization.For the clamps, I've used ... 
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
Primary system, first to most recent:  Tandberg TCD 440D cassette deck, Rogers Studio 1 monitors, Sota Sapphire table, Belles Model 1 power amp, Pioneer PL 15 D II table.  Several other pieces of that age are in other systems around the house.  I'... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Vinyl:  Tommy Dorsey - This is Tommy Dorsey; Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker; St. Vincent - Masseducation; Bennett & Gaga - Cheek to Cheek; St. Vincent - S/T.SACD:  Manhattan Transfer - Got Swing!CD:  King Crimson - Heroes Live 2016.Winners:  Mas... 
Why are the vocals on some records hidden behind the music on my system?
IMO, the whole confusion between VTA and SRA stems from the fact that it is not possible to adjust one independently of the other.  FWIW, arm manufacturers describe this adjustment as VTA while a corresponding SRA adjustment feature in a cartridge... 
Why are the vocals on some records hidden behind the music on my system?
@uberwaltz Yes; I adjust for every side of every record.  My system easily resolves the difference and it only takes a moment.  The effect is substantial and very much worth the effort to me.  I recognize that not everyone is that picky or sensiti... 
Why are the vocals on some records hidden behind the music on my system?
I'm not surprised that you found adjusting VTA made a noticeable difference that brought you closer to your goal. IME, it's a super important adjustment; possibly the most important. Personally, I will only use tonearms with VTA adjustment on-the-... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations, please.
I also suggest Sota.  Here's an ad that popped up today:  https://www.audiogon.com/listings/turntables-sota-satellite-series-ii-turntable-with-rega-s202-tonea...That's a new rig.  If you're patient, you should be able to find a Series 3 Sapphire w... 
Why are the vocals on some records hidden behind the music on my system?
I also suggest a different cartridge; I should think a LOMC would be the way to go, but that's my preference.  Your preamp is a very nice rig.Alignment is the other critical issue as noted above.  The Pro-Ject system works well but as you said, on... 
Mcintosh MC7100 opinion
FWIW, $700 for a good condition MC7100 is very reasonable.  If you trust the seller and have the spare cash, you should strongly consider buying it.  Especially if it's a late model with the balanced inputs.That said, Erik has passed along good ad... 
McIntosh MC402
I didn’t care for the MC402 at all when I auditioned one 6 years ago. Speakers were B&W 802 and the pre was a MX120. The MC302 sounded more natural to me. I’ve since auditioned a MC452 with B&W 804 and a C52. I thought that combo fared bet... 
Somehow I've got myself a "WTF" dilema with my newly setup Turntable. HELP!
Time to run the isolation drill:  First, Make sure your ground lead from the table (and arm, if applicable) is firmly secured to the ground terminal and that that ground terminal is secured to your mains (most phono sections do this internally).  ... 
Singers do not sing the language they speak
Franco Mussida (lead vocals) and the rest of PFM.  Italian in early versions and English in later.  I've heard that the lyrics aren't even remotely similar, but have no way to know.  That all changed with the Chocolate Kings / Jet Lag releases. 
CleanerVinyl-Ultrasonic record cleaner
+1 Dan.  IMO, ultrasonic cleaning is the single greatest advance in vinyl playback since the Discwasher brush.  Vacuum units do work, but not as well as one might hope.  The ultrasonic technology removes all surface debris that can be removed.  Wh...