
Responses from eelii08

Top 5 Classical recordings
I just bought this weekend an EMI SACD of beethoven triple concerto I am looking forward to listen to as soon as I can. It is a very nice edition with another disc of Brahms double concerto and violin concerto. Aparently is a very good production ... 
Top 5 Classical recordings
Thanks Jult. Did not know that one. May check it out. is that you on Amazon doing the review? Both reviews give 5 starts and are good and interesting ones. Yes the string quintet in the Emerson's box set is superb isn't it? it would by itself only... 
Top 5 Classical recordings
Hi Jult,That acording to your opinion or taste which is diferent than mine. And that is not only fine but also normal. Which ones you like? Why dont you recommend your list? Hopefully I and others can take advantadge of it.Regarding death and the ... 
Top 5 Classical recordings
Everyone can makentheir recomendations in their format of choice. Mine are actually all CDs, or hybrid SACDs that will play in both regulat CD players and SACD players. The idea of recomending a recording along with the particular piece, and not o... 
Top 5 Classical recordings
Yes Rich that's right. That is why I was asking for 5 on each. I know a higher number would probably make more sense for some with more experience, but 5 is a short enough number, so it can easily be worked to look for the names that has the bigge... 
Top 5 Classical recordings
Will try to find the Chopin piano sonata recording. Looks good!Thanks 
Top 5 Classical recordings
I know saying the top 5 of all time is almost an impossible. That is not the point. It is to help people who wants to start, with 5 of the top masterpieces that you really like, or that made you engage or whatever. A place from which safely start.... 
Top 5 Classical recordings
I am glad it is of help. that was one of my intentions. To help people starting. I looked for a similar piece on ifno at the time when I got engaged, but was not easy. Hopefully more people will post so there can be a diverse set of opinions. Moza... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
They are very resolving indeed. Lots of detail and textures. But I guess that also has a lot to do with the rest of the system.For the 02s, they are the most detailed I have heard. But also very musical. Compared with the 03s, they have managed to... 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
Could not agree more French_fries.Does B&W have new drivers coming out or you mean the ones currently going into the 800Di? 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
French_fries, I did not like the fact that you started a thread asking for opinions in good faith, which is what it all should be about, and you were forced to leave to avoid being attacked. That is why I jumped in giving my opinion. if you look a... 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
Manual, see, until your last post I was not. Your opinion about this or that speaker is just that and is fine with me, even though some of the things you say are simply not true (giving you the benefit of the doubt, let assume due to pure ignoranc... 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
Manual, looking at your posts, are you a magico dealer, associate or similar, or have any financial interest on it? You only seem to post on magico threads or magico related, and in common always all magico are great and all the rest is bad....¿? 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
I just started a post for TAD speakers owners. We can take it there if you want. so far there are 0 posts... But if it is going to be to write non sense, it was not really the intention of the if manual you feel TAD has no deep bass you either hav... 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
Nvp, no there is not an older version of the CR1. There was a prototype running around for a few years, but never went into production. Was work in progress for the final CR1, I do agree with prices, but that is unfortunately a widely industry spr...