
Responses from eelii08

New Esoteric P02 D02
I will surely update you on the P9500. I am very much looking forward to hear these with esoteric. Should be with me mid next week or so. Not clear still if i will buy a 6300 II or not. I may or leave it for later. Also want to compare with the ol... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Tom,yes it is good to see it is gaining momentum again. Yes I understand what you say regarding the WW recommendations. I have no experience at all with them. I assume they are very good but have no idea. One thing that I found strange was the ... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
BTW, I am sure Alex could give a very good tech. Explanation of why this is, if he is around, and would be appreciated. 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Yes, it is very much like you describe that I find. Also I am finding tha the choose of desired cables for the analog out of the Dac changes. With output at transport at 6 I liked better siltech. But with it at 0db i like better mexcel 6300 there.... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Tom, we are having this conversation in parallel :-)Did not realize this thread was so active again. ON cables you now already, right? Just check for the new models II of 6300 if you are going for them. Or if the same is coming out for the 6100... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Jon2020Actually no. In my case it is the other way around. i like it better with xlr set at 0db. Need to listen some more since the diference is actualy not small. I am surprised. Only diference should be in the higher or lower signal coming ou... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Yes it is. Big difference for the good in all aspects. Wrote about it back in the post.Also, just noticed. There is a big difference in reproduced sound depending on how the xlr gain is configured in the D02 if you are using preamp. 0db which is f... 
Best classical SACDs out there
Living stereo I have many of them. Not in all cases, true, but in my opinion more often than not, the sonics are very good or even great. More so considering the time the recordings have, many from 50s and 60s. The performances are among the best ... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
One Q Pharma,how do you have the clock out terminals connected to DAC an transport? Do you use both out terminals A from clock to transport and DAC and turn off terminals B and C, or use A1 for DAC and B1 for transport, and turn off A2 and B2 (and... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Yes that is the way it should be. And is why I wanted to try out the clock once more and would not have ordered without listening to it first. As I said, with the 03s I had the old G-0rb home for a try out twice. WHile I think I could hear a diffe... 
Question for all Esoteric owners with clocks .....
the esoteric DA6100 are fantastic IMHO for this, as the 6300 are for connecting DAC to transport. And yes, you will hear a difference. Now worth it or not, that is subjective as you know. 
New Esoteric P02 D02
These things with the clock are even more impresive. I have tried it in the past (the old model) with the P03 D03 and found little improvement. Had it home twice and never went for it. Dont know why but with the 02s and the new G01 the improvement... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Interesting and quite extensive try out. Congrats. That is the way to go.I am not sure if when you get the P02 your impression of a bit of harsh and forward will change or not. I think likely not but we will see.I don't know why you are getting th... 
K-01 and the effect of adding an ext clock
Hi, i haven' tbut if I were you I would try to upgrade somewhere else.Lots of literature about clocks and their effects. For one single box players people tend t osay benefit is small at tis best. And your unit is top of the range integrated playe... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
I agree to some extend with Pharma's findings, in the sense that the 03s strongest point was musicality. They had a warm character that made listening very pleasant. But I do not find the 02 less musical. And also, that t is in the level of detail...