
Responses from eddaytona

Problems with U.S. Customs - Watch Out
"Salami Smuggler"???I too have been accused of that but never at customs control.(Sorry, couldn't let that one pass) 
Another Subwoofer Question
Not sure about your specific sub but I had been using my Klipsch sub for double duty for years. From my HT I send the LFE (.1) to the sub via interconnect. From my 2 ch amp I "bi-wire" the speaker terminals, one set of speaker cables to the speake... 
Color-code of connectors on different cartridges.
You have to keep to the color scheme. Red to red etc. Green to green, whatever the layout of the pins. I had the red wire going to the green input on the Eroica. That is what was causing the phase problem. (Never thought the green would be on top ... 
Color-code of connectors on different cartridges.
"The Goldring, in particular, I find strange with green on the right/top position! (Is this really correct?)"Yes that is correct and totally weird. Took me a while when changing carts to realize why my system was out of phase. Thought my eyesight ... 
Ella Fitzgerald Classic 45
Yes, Ella! I just picked up the remastered LP of Ella sings the Cole Porter song book this weekend. Remastered (re-released 1976) from glorious Mono but absolutely riveting music AND sound quality. That voice and phrasing! Cost me all of $7.00 at ... 
Is this rude?
Hi Vinylphile: No offense taken and while there are laws that apply to interactions (vs. transactions) with one's own "tribe" the ones that I am talking about apply to all. As the Bible says to us: Don't forget that you were a stanger in a strange... 
Is this rude?
In Jewish law there is a specific injunction about going into a store and leading on the owner that you are going to buy from him/her. It is akin to theft (violation of 10 commandments) as you are stealing the owner's time and it is also like viol... 
Has anyone used electronic pocket scales for VTF?
"It works, but the problem is getting the right vertical height to place the scale so it is the same height as a record. I have to place the scale on a block off to the side of the platter, and then place the sytlus on the edge of the scale"I can ... 
Has anyone used electronic pocket scales for VTF?
Have one too. At less than $30 it is great. I see ones on sale here for hundreds of dollars! I find mine to be very accurate too. 
TV's... what does the typical audiophile have?
Not sure I am typical but:Samsung 50" DLP 
Maggie's and cats
"If they are house cats de-claw them."Note: Illegal in parts of California and other states. For good reason IMHO. 
Here is an idea:Open speakers, drop one moth ball into each. Should kill any warms and each ball will disappear in a week or so. 
Why do you think you have wood warms? 
VTA Adjustment for MMF-7
Just to add to this thread for future readers:The proceedure that Dan-ed describes is the way to START the process. I found that fine adjustments to VTA by hand are very difficult due to the nature of the way the tone arm shaft drops down into the... 
VTA Adjustment for MMF-7
Thanks Dan ed! I have a new cart coming today and I want this puppy to really sing. Ain't Audiogon grand!