
Responses from ebuzz

To Tube or not to Tube......
Thanks Z, you've eased my fears about things blowing and biasing problems so I won't worry about that anymore. I'm not real concerned about heat either, it's a pretty big room and my Threshold gets pretty hot too. I'm sure amps like the Carvers ar... 
To Tube or not to Tube......
Jolida, hmm? I'll check it out. thanks 
To Tube or not to Tube......
>Viridian: I'm kinda a hands on guy, & don't have a problem tube rolling, or playing with bias, but I don't want to do it ALL the time. When I get in the mood to experiment, then I can experiment and play around, but if I want to just liste... 
To Tube or not to Tube......
> Dan: thanks. I can't really make any other changes to my system other than the Amp. I'm happy with the rest of my gear (for now) and my speakers. The JM Labs are fine for me and at 4 ohms should be easy to drive with almost any tube amp. I do... 
Test LP's Worth it?
Raul: Thanks, it's certainly worth checking out. BTW that is some awesome vinyl set up you've got. But damn, am I the poorest guy in this forum? I'd sell my mother for some of these rigs. :) 
Test LP's Worth it?
Now that I think about it, my Well Tempered Classic came with it's own protractor... 
Test LP's Worth it?
I'll check out these protractors. I already have a digital scale for tracking force. I've heard (don't know if it's true) that each Mint Protractor is set up for a specific table. I have an older Well Tempered Classic table (square motor). I think... 
Anti static guns
Thanks Al, good point. 
Anti static guns
@ Dougdeacon: that is a good one, I hadn't thought of that with my name. But to all: any thoughts on the unit in the original post? Do you think it would work? 
Test LP's Worth it?
Can't justify dropping $299 for a Fozgometer, protractor or a bandpass filter + multimeter/oscilloscope etc. I've used the MoFi disc to set up alignment, overhang, etc. Just wondering if these LP's were worth it, but at $39-$49 it's not a real big... 
Anti static guns
> Brf My red Zerostat was bought back in the 80's. I can operate it fine without any clicking. Just not sure after all these years whether its got any juice left in it.Hence, the original post. 
Anti static guns
> Dougdeacon: I'll look for that post too, but if you find it first, let me know. Some of the brushes do have grounding wires as I'm sure you know. Would they work as well as a Zerostat? 
Anti static guns
Not sure if its output is similar to the Zerostat, but if it works, it a lot cheaper than the Minty gun. Maybe just an anti-static brush would work as well? 
Test LP's Worth it?
Thanks, I did pick up the platter speed iPhone app and I think the Analogue Productions test LP has a 3150Hz track to check speed. But if that's all I can get out of it, it's not worth $40. 
SP-10 Mat
There is quite a price jump from the Herbies mat to the Boston Audio Mat 2. Thinking about one for my Well Tempered Classic table, along with an upgrade to the clamp. Not sure which way to go. I guess one good thing about the Boston Audio is that ...