Responses from dynacohum
What are the current useless terms in this "audio world" Iconic...Russian Orthodox?Classic...Greek or Roman?Legendary...like Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill?Transparent...is that clear?Tubey...cylindrical?Crystaline...a many faceted adjectiveBlack background...live in a bunker...most of us have ambient noise | |
Free in-home testing? Brick & Mortar stores have to pay rent, staff, benefits, etc. and maintain an inventory of demonstrators to show, which is all part of the overhead. And we all know shoppers want to hear a variety to choose from, so there have to be redundanc... | |
Nicks or McVie..... Stevie has a powerful dynamic voice, is an accomplished writer of evocotive lyrics and music, and was in her prime, an alluring stage presence...the whole package! Christine's softer voice is more easy on the ears, but lacks the punch Stevie brin... | |
Adding Home Theater To 2 Channel System You’ve gotten all the advice there is so far. I will add mine. You have a highly evolved stereo. To add video to your room, make sure you don’t upset the acoustics you are currently enjoying. MC is spot on in his observations. No Center speaker w... | |
Phono cartridge Almost any cart that tracks at 2 grams (mN) will work. Beware lighter trackers, as they have higher compliance than that arm is good for. Matching a cart mechanically is easy, but sonically, it depends on your musical preferences, accompanying e... | |
Next step in Turntable From a Pro-Ject Classic a reasonable "next step" could be a Thorens TD1600/01. The 1600 is 3X the price of a Classic, adds effective sub-chassis isolation, can use your Hana SL nicely. OR you could look into a Well Tempered Amadeus 254 for well u... | |
speakers for classic receiver The 881 was a fine receiver for its era. I'm not so familiar with the later G-9000. My gut says the 881 will be more refined and somewhat lighter in the low end...the G-9000 was the successor to the very popular 9090, I think. Both are going to... | |
Tube buffer in tape loop@ The "danger" involving tape monitoring is in setting the monitor position in such a way as to create a feedback loop. You cannot do that if you correctly route the signal from out>in, out>in, and your preamp doesn't have Tape In on its sele... | |
Putting together turntable rig Has anyone here listened to a top flight MM or MI on a Schiit Sol? This elegantly designed and very affordable player may be too cheap to warrant attention from deep pocketed audio snobs but where does it fail in actual listening performance?High... | |
Can a speaker just die? If the intermittent is inside the amp, rodman is probably correct and his instructions are spot on. However, if the wire connections to the spade is where the problem lies that has to be fixed properly by reterminating with a new spade. Or at leas... | |
What Are Your Reference Discs? or Specific Reference Tracks While it's true you can tell a lot about a system from how it reproduces Howling Wolf's voice on a mono mid-60s Chess album, it ain't really demo material in my book...Here are some of my favorite music selections that also display the recording a... | |
Right angle wall plug on power cables On page 5 of their pricebook, Nordost offers 8 plug alignments for their dealers to specify when ordering...also 4 each for tonearm DIN plugs and Ethernet plugs. | |
How to fix my preamp dilemma 1. Fix the Parasound...least cost probably and gets you back to where you were happy.2. Schiit does indeed make fantastic gear for paltry dollars.3. Akitika is also a terrific value, but has way more features than you likely need and if you deck ... | |
klipsh scala speakers Speaking as one who is no fan of Klipsch products, but who has sold them professionally, the latest Forte should be the ticket for your son...quite sensitive, and much fuller range and better balanced than La Scalas, and therefore more forgiving. ... | |
Flipping record causing series of loud pops For many of my years in this hobby, static plagued my enjoyment of vinyl playback. I used to (carefully) remove the polonium strip from a Staticmaster brush and glue it to the underside of a Watts Dust Bug until I found the needle talk to be audib... |