Responses from dynacohum
Amp repair I tried Vu and they weren’t excellent for me. I then took my unit to Mark Weiss of Amp Experts in New Milford CT and he fixed it up. He is a real audio engineer, good with electronics! | |
RIP Robbie Robertson Robbie was also a sideman on a couple of early albums by John Hammond Jr….So Many Roads has him on lead guitar with Mike Bloomfield on piano! I met JH Jr. years later and asked him how he could pass on Bloomer as lead, and he said “At that time R... | |
Building a 100 album vinyl collection 3 must have albums are? group 1 Abbey Road - The Beatles Axis: Bold As Love - Hendrix Inner Mounting Flame - Mahavishnu Orchestra group 2 Beggars Banquet - Stones Dark Side of the Moon - Floyd Moondance - Van the Man Group 3 Blue - Joni American Beauty - The De... | |
Best amplifier for low to moderate listening levels Why is no one talking about the equal loudness effect? If the OP has separates or a monitor loop in their preamp, add a Schiit Lokius and dial in a contour that suits the desired listening level. Easy to tweak and sonically neutral, especially a... | |
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This? In the Summer of 1964 my mom and I did a National Parks tour for my Bar Mitzvah (in lieu of a catered affair). While We soaked up Yellowstone the Grand Canyon and Yosemite, my older brother was building a Dynakit PAS3, FM3, and ST70. After my retu... | |
Did I do a good thing or not? Back in my early audiophile years I tried an M91E, a Stanton 681A, and an Empire something in my Dual 1209, because they were $5.00 each at Korvette, and I was curious. I greatly preferred the Stanton. Later I enjoyed a B&O SP12, an ADC XLM an... | |
A Black Box to Solve Everything Many of us have used tube preamps with SS amps to bring some desirable tube qualities to our systems, and others use SS preamps and tube amps. In 1973 as a college kid I ran a PAS3x with an H-K Citation 12. Later a Motif FET pre with av MV55 amp.... | |
Help Identifying Vintage KEF Speakers If you have replacement value insurance you should claim around $1200.00. The KEFs you had were probably $300.00 or so then, and in today’s market, a pair of Focal Vestia 1s or similar would be comparable. | |
Best Receiver? On the current market the Yamaha RN2000A and MAC7200 are your top contenders. Semi vintage, Nakamichi SR4A was outstanding. Deeper vintage, I rate the Sansui 8 Deluxe and Pioneer SX1250 tops. Really deep vintage I agree the tube Fisher stuff was g... | |
TV audio into DAC via eARC or better Bluesound Node N130 or X has eARC and USB out. If you are buying such an expensive DAC, the cost is trivial. Plus, they are streamers, with a well proven app. This was mentioned earlier, but needs to be repeated. Get a Node! Another point…they ha... | |
Inexpensive streaming amplifier If daughter wants to stream Apple Music and hear TV audio through a pair of Diamond 10.1s in an apartment, the right solution is a Sonos Amp, with Powernode Edge a close second. Sonos fully integrates Apple Music, where BluOS uses Airplay to play ... | |
Stephen Stills Mwinkc, I’m with you on 4 & 20. | |
So you just took a gummie...What song is on the menu? LZ: Dazed and Confused Hendrix: Pali Gap Stones: Sympathy for the Devil | |
Moving on a sailboat - bookshelf speakers? The under 6” height is a real limitation. Find a pair of ADS L300E or 300CCs and drive them with a Rotel Tribute A11. There are several pairs on eBay right now. Focus on the music and enjoy the year of freedom from audiophilia nervosa. | |
Curious to know what you guys think/like about Pink Floyd's early work In 1968 I went to the Village to attend a Cream concert at the Village Theater (soon to be renamed Fillmore East). I stopped in at the record store on MacDougal and Bleeker to buy a 45 of 'Spoonful' (still have it) and they were playing The Pink ... |