
Responses from dwmaggie

Axe to grind know it alls
The other sites I visit, Maggie Users Group and Audio Circle, do not seem to have the troll issues.....or the moderators are on top of trolling.  Eric, you are on my must read list as are some others that have chimed in so far.  There are some tha... 
Advice on trustworthy audio resellers who check condition, offer trial period?
TMR gets my vote. 
Is there a such too much power for speakers?
Out of curiosity, nasaman, what is the brand and model of the 75k amp?   
Is there a such too much power for speakers?
Interesting, how many children is the dealer trying to put through grad school?  On the serious side, I blew out a 10 inch ESS AMT4 driver with a 50 wpc Acoustic Research integrated in 1974.  As most others have stated already, an underpowered amp... 
Do I need a sub?
Short answer, Yes.Practical answer, Yes.WAF answer, maybe.Like millercarbon, I run a swarm, 2 10s and 1 12. I have a 15 in the garage, large, ugly and unused so far. I use one amp for all 3, utilizing a DBX 223XL crossover set at 40 hz. I plan to ... 
Ebay sellers switching tubes
I have purchased 466 items from ebay, none were available locally.  I have had two bad experiences.  The first was G scale 1917 model T panel truck, it came in a Chex cereal box with minimal news paper wrappings, she did refund half the purchase p... 
Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.
So many choices, so many recommendations.  My opinion will be different than others.  The Pass and Bryston should make a great combination.  The Brystons have been reviewed as analytical or bright, I don't know....  most have been beyond my price ... 
Small room amp and speakers recommendation
The Halo integrated is a solid choice.  You may find an open box or 'B' marked unit at Sight and Sound audio.  Plenty of options, at 160 wpch at 8 ohms, it has a lot of power.  I own the Halo C2, purchased used via ebay, great unit, really good bu... 
WD-40 for electronics
WD40 etches the metal as it is cleaning, not a great idea for electronics.  +1 for Deoxit D and G series. 
Should I still buy a CD player? Suggest one?
IMO vinyl has not peaked in popularity yet. Been buying and playing records from 1959 on. Had a reel to reel or two. Switched to cd for convenience and I thought superior sound at the time, 1983. Did not play vinyl again until just a few years ago... 
Another marketing gimmick?
How does it sound?  Why care about the looks, different yes, effective?  Would like to hear one.....I don't have the money to buy it.  Would still like to hear one with Magnepans. 
Why are brick and mortar HiFi dealers so bad?
Worked for Audio Lab in Phoenix from 1973 til IRS took away the keys, owner failed to pay taxes. After two weeks of intense training was given the keys to the store and left alone. The owner was starting a new business Car Stereos Unlimited. I tri... 
Need a new Hi-Fi rack?
Once again, thank you millercarbon for sharing this information.  Much to consider and use.  Thank you everyone for the links.  Details, it is always in the details. 
PWB Electronics
Ok, G, placed an order for the PWB foil and cream. Whitestix thanks for your second post, inspired me to give PWB a try. No foiling, really. 
PWB Electronics
Reading the article and your post reminded me of the Who's 'Won't Get Foiled Again'.  Just foiling with you.  A friend came over wanted to duel with foils, that foiled me.  Apologies to all.  This was not meant to upset, disturb or otherwise offen...