
Responses from dwest1023

Schiit Loki Max?
I tried the Loki max in my system with pass int 250 and the transparency was not the same when the unit was installed and in by pass mode. It was very hard to detect, and I wanted to love this piece. I ended up returning while still in trial period.  
Dynaudio Special 40
Love my special 40’s driven my my pass int 60. I love the midrange on them. Great with vocals.  I have a pass int 250 on the way to really make then sing!   
Black Ice(former Jolida Company)new integrated amp opinions
I will second the k88 in the f35. I purchased the f35 about 6 months ago, just to have a different sound. My main amp is a Pass labs intergrated  60, soon to be replaced by pass intergrated 250. I use my f35 with kef LS50 and sub. When I switch se... 
Recommended integrated amplifier for upgrade
There is always PassLabs.   
Tube Amp for Klipsch Forte IV's? Black Ice F-22 or Willsenton R8 with upgraded tubes?
I have black ice f35 which is their top intersgrated 60 watts with el 34s. Change the stock power tubes with Gold Lions. They are very good sounding tubes in these amps. With the new Fosgate circuitry these amps have the bass control of solid sta... 
KEF LS50 Meta
If it were me I would go with Naim. I like my sound on the warmish side. I love my metas. In the price range not sure you could find better. Different but not better.  
Lack of bass in NHT 3.3.
Story: I had a pair of 3.3’s. I had a amp connected playing music and something shorted in the amp and shut down. After got the amp repaired, I connected my 3.3’s up and the bass was very weak. I sent the speakers to NHT to have them checked out. ... 
Dynaudio Special 40
Marvelous speaker. Got a almost new pair for 2K. Running with a Pass labs integrated 60. It’s a wonderful combination.  
Looking for a warm sounding amp or integrated with a torodial transformer
My Pass integrated 60 sound warmer than my Black Ice tube integrated. Instead of a new amp, why not try some cardas cabling?  
Kef LS50s - great like me but need to come up for air
I have had both evoke 20 and the small Harbeth. With my Pass lab integrated I preferred the Evoke(better bass and larger sound) over the small Harbeth. I also have a pair of the newer LS50 that I use with my tube amp. Using Dynaudio Special 40, an... 
Black Ice(former Jolida Company)new integrated amp opinions
I recently purchased and Black Ice F35 integrated . Listening to it while my pass lab integrated is being looked at. I was surprised at the bass punch from this amp. It has solid state bass drive. I did change out the Tung sol power tubes for gold... 
What Integrated Amp do You use
I use Pass Integrated 60. Why? It’s Pass 
I have atcsm40 want possible alternative
Have you considered any of the Dynaudio speakers? I am using the Evoke 20 and they are fabulous driven by my Pass Lab int 60. 
Okay, How Important Is Speaker Break In? (Dynaudio Contour 60i)
I just bought a pair of dyns and they were awful and lifeless out of the box. Played them two days straight in a closed room. Entered the room after the two days and shocked at the difference in sound. The dyns became much more open but a bit hars... 
Pass Labs x250.8 vs tube amps
I have a similar issue with my pass int 60. Sounds ok at startup, but takes maybe 3 hrs or more of playing time to sound its best. I just put up with it.