
Responses from dseltz

Dealers That Sell Large Volumes of Used Gear Online
The selection of used was not huge, but Gestalt HiFi in Santa Fe New Mexico has good prices and I cant say enough about the personal service. Multiple emails with Mike had FAST responses. And after the sale (since I am a newbie) asked me to send p... 
Digital streaming options for my system are confusing
The Innuous is very easy to setup and does require a Roon subscription which is $120 a year or $500 lifetime. I am a newbie, so someone please correct me if I am wrong. I have a Innuos ZenMini MK II  (Demo for $800) with iPeng connected to a Chor... 
Thoughts about speakers for a newbie
Awesome.  Chicago is not too far and AXPONA sounds like a great start.  Thanks