
Responses from drrsutliff

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Talk Talk “Spirit of Eden” 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Hot Tuna “Phosphorescent Rat” 
Origin Live company support
I have owned two Origin Live turntables and three Origin Live tonearms over the past 15 years. I have had a few upgrades and any issues were always addressed Mark Baker appropriately.  I currently own and enjoy an upgraded Resolution Mk3 with a LS... 
New Phono cartridge
Closer to your price would be an Ortofon Bronze as another option.  What is the Hana not providing currently in your system?  This may allow for better focus of the recommendations as each cartridge brings unique attributes.  The Bronze is a littl... 
Cana anyone recommend a plastic wrench that doesn'e scratch the metal?
The Audioquest wrench will allow adequate tightening with little scratching.  Used with my VAC power amp for years and the Cardas binding posts continued to look good. 
Thiel SS2 subwoofer
Coherent Source Service referenced by “unsound” is the best place for the legacy products IMHO.  It is still operating outside of Lexington KY where the Thiels were originally manufactured and owned/run by longtime Thiel employee Rob Gillum.  High... 
Best father daughter dance song for wedding? Not Butterfly Kisses...
Just had the privilege and joy of dancing with my daughter at her wedding three weeks ago.  I chose “I Wish You Peace” by the Eagles.  
Tidal Music
@atdavid "Given the 500K titles lost in the MQA fire, your mileage may vary." I think you mean the Universal Music Group (UMG) fire of 2008... long before MQA could have had any involvement   
Tidal Music
I have Tidal and my computer/server running Roon handles opening the MQA files up to 24/96.  Those files are then streamed to my Ayre DAC which is not MQA.  They sound very good. 
Soundsmith - Hyperion vs lyra ETNA
Last year at CAF there were two identical VPI HW-40 turntables being demonstrated in the VPI room.  One had a SS Hyperion and the other a Lyra Etna if my memory is correct.  I listened for quite a while during multiple visits to the room and great... 
Slight Hardness on LP's
Before purchasing anything I would revisit the cartridge setup. Specifically from your observation of a “hardness” or unnatural sound in clapping ect. if the general alignment is correct I would focus on reevaluating your SRA.  Last evening I remo... 
Audience AU24SEi (4)Powering:Audience aR6 TSSD Ayre QX5/20Ayre VX5/20VAC Renaissance 5 
Tonearm/Cartridge Combinations: What Do You Own (Or Have Owned) And Recommend?
@mijostyn... yes I love the Windfeld Ti. My second cartridge that I rotate onto the Origin Live Illustrious is a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum. Each cartridge brings a different but equally captivating presentation. 
Tonearm/Cartridge Combinations: What Do You Own (Or Have Owned) And Recommend?
Origin Live Resolution mk3, OL Illustrious mk3c, Ortofon Windfeld Ti  
Micro Seiki MA-505LS tone arm, anybody familiar?
It’s a deep dark rabbit hole...  need a setup day to play.