
Responses from drrsutliff

MC Cartridge Ideas
The Ortofon Windfeld Ti should be on your list.  It comes as close to your “digital retrieval” as any cartridge I have ever owned.  Currently in rotation with a Kiseki Purpleheart and Koetsu RSP.   
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Steely Dan “Katy Lied”  MFSL 1-007 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Bill Evans “The Paris Concert” 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Brand X “Moroccan Roll” 
Bought the 3 step Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solution
I used the AI three step for many years with my VPI 16.5 and three separate vacuum arms.  It worked really well.  I cleaned all albums one time when they were acquired.  It was a large commitment and the time involved was substantial with a reward... 
Turntable and Arm Combination in 5K range (maximum)
Is your OL Illustrious tonearm a recent MK3C?  Properly set up I was able to use mine with excellent results on a OL Resolution mk3-2 with their speed control (LSC) upgrade.  I used a Ortofon Windfeld Ti, Kiseki Purpleheart, and Koetsu Rosewood Si... 
Equipment Rack - How important in the grand scheme of things?
I recommend looking at Adona Racks.   http://www.adonacorporation.com/modular.html  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Greatful Dead “From Mars Hotel”  MoFi 45rpm 
What are you streaming tonight?
Ten Years After “Recorded Live” 
MQA DAC with Coax Output
@mboldda1It is my understanding that the streamer will allow the first two of three “unfolds” to occur. This will give you 24/96. The “third” and final step is dependent on the DAC chip so has to occur in a MQA DAC to have full 24/192. The third s... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Go “Live” 
MQA DAC with Coax Output
You might want to look at the MQA website for the equipment that is currently capable.  They break out streamers, DACs, etc.  this could give some direction for research.  Most MQA equipment is very capable of other formats even before the license... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Duke Ellington “Ellington Indigos” 
VTA on the fly
I use the ability to change SRA (VTA) easily on the fly during my initial setup of a cartridge. I have found extremely small changes are noticeable once I am very close to my target... prior to being close to the proper target larger changes of SR... 
MQA DAC with Coax Output
@krilllLooking at that specific ifi nano-ione it does not appear to do any MQA processing.  With the digital pass through it appears to reclock and regenerate digital signals.  There are ifi products that act as DACs with MQA unfolding and have an...