
Responses from drrdiamond

Remastered cd vs MFSL
The MFSL CD of Procol Harum's HOME is far superior to the recently remastered version. 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I really like you topic!About 30 years ago I purchased four Acoustic Research AR-LST's and used two stacked for each channel. (Later, Mark Levinson bought the rights to the speaker for his Cello company. He renamed them "Amati Speakers" and were i... 
Any cheap but good speakers with bass?
Used AR 303 
High end sub for big room. Suggestions?
Krell makes probably the best subwoofer ever. But that is to be expected! 
User group for B&W speakers
If not, maybe you should start one. I would be interested.B&W owner 
Spade to Bananas for B W Speakers
Krell is so against the us of bananas, that years ago they stopped putting connectors on the amps that would allow one to use them.Stick with spades! 
Tried 2 pairs of speakers for 2 channel?
I bought four AR LST's (later called Cello Amati's)for a quad set-up in about 1970. When quad died, I went back to two channel and stacked them. I did not invert either of them.Later Mark Levinson did the same and even made a custom granite stand ... 
How many dedicated lines?
It really depends on the draw of the units.... In an all audio system, I use two 30 amp dedicated lines, one for each big Krell amp. And, I then have one 20 amp dedicated line for the front end. This, in my opinion, is just right, or maybe a littl... 
803N power Requirements?
B&W voice their speakers with Krell.Buy as much power as you can afford. 
Looking to Buy My First CD Transport
EAD T-7000 (or 8000). I have used it as the transport (ever since it was released) in my $50+k system for many years and have been very happy. Basically it is the same as the Theta Data but with more attention to electrical and mechanical isolation. 
Would I benefit from biamping?
Bi-amping almost always helps; especially actively bi-amping.That said, in my opinion, you should first upgrade your amp. I would sell you KAV and purchase a Krell FPB. I guarantee the improvement will blow you away! 
Speaker sensitivity?
Some of the best speakers on the planet are very high sensativity; such as the Wilson WAMM, Cello's biggest, and the B&W800's, to mention a few. When these are couples with super powerful great amps, the sound is amazing. Remember, doubling po... 
help I am lost
Call the Cable Co. 
UPS or should I Say Oooops
KRELL says, "never ship UPS." 
b w / martin logan / definitive
If in doubt go for B&W.Unless you can afford the Cello Palatte, we are at the mercy of the mixer of the music we listen to. Since 80% of all classical music is mastered on B&W speakers, you will automatically come closer to the original so...