
Responses from drrdiamond

Krell questions and comments
Mrcyn,Sorry that I couldn't respond to your question; I've been out of town for the day.Actually, the KRC II is not an upgrade of the KRC3 (the 3 is better); but the KRC-HR is not only a big step up from the KRC3, but also a big step up from the K... 
Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?
Jtin,I think what Steve and I are primarily talking about is quality of the power, not the quantity.Richard 
Upgrade amp or add sub?
Adding a sub and having it properly integrate into your system will be harder than most people think. You have very good speakers for the price.I would upgrade your amp/preamp! ... without a doubt.Also, consider the Krell 300i or 300il. As you kno... 
Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?
Liszt,No, I needed two FPB300's since I used an electronic x-over.Richard 
Review: Marantz Marantz DV-8400 & SA-14 vs. others CD Player
You seem to agree with John Marks of John Marks Records, who uses the SA-14 as his reference for CD's. .. So do I. (The SA-14 is far and away the least expensive component in my system ... about 1/2 the price of my electronic crossover.)Suggestion... 
Warrenty and lifespan of cd players
My wife still uses my original Magnavox CD player that has to be over 15 years old. 
What are the best speakers with Krell MRA
Just before Dan D'Agostino released his speakers, he called actively bi-amped B&W800's "the best speaker on the planet."He was asked why he used the Wilson X-1 at home and he said:"They don't do anything wrong and if I have a prototype amp to ... 
Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?
I have only knowledge of the 801N with the FPB650 monos. They are great.Yes the power difference of an extra 100 watts would be only one dB, BUT..........The 300Cx is based on the FPB200 and the 400Cx is based on the FPB300. There was/is a conside... 
Krell questions and comments
I have owned several big Krell amps over the last dozen years, and the newer ones have ALWAYS surpassed the replace units. Not only are they built like tanks, and sound fantastic, but the service by the Krell staff is exceptional.RichardPS. And ye... 
Best Isolation Devices?
Your post is way too hard to read. Check out MWilson. 
Who has experience shipping large speakers?
I would try Ocean Air. They are reasonable and they are the main carrier used by Krell; and we know their stuff is heavy.By the way:About 11 years ago, I bought my B&W800's. They were shipped from Mass. to CA., FEDEX second day air. The shipme... 
Need suggestions for a new amp 200Wpc
Krell, FPB series as big as you can afford.Richard 
Should I Biamp
Eldart,Yes, I do use a Krell KBX electronic crossover.Richard 
Should I Biamp
Eldart, FYI:There are several reasons why even biamping without an electronic x-over is a good idea:1. You can use one for each channel, getting the advantage of monoblocks.2. You are putting a lot of separation between the upper and lower speaker... 
Electronic crossover recommendations
Krell KBXExpensive, and it requires two for a three way active setup. But, if you want the best, this is it.Richard