Responses from drlou77
Oppo UHP 205 Universal Player @thecarpathian Thanks for your input. May I ask what your what your spinning your discs on? Thanks! Rich | |
Oppo UHP 205 Universal Player @oddiofyl I use my Oppo almost exclusively for music. I own a few blu-ray, but most of them are concerts. The trend among us audiophiles, is music that is being produced in Dolby Atmos mixes and Quadrophnic releases of older titles. They soun... | |
Oppo UHP 205 Universal Player Sorry, I meant UDP-205. I’m struggling with this decision. I have an Oppo 105 and like the player and I am pleased with its performance. I have hundreds of SACDs, blu-ray audio and DVD-Audio discs. Stereo and 5.1 multi-channel playback is impo... | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? @ghibliss wow, what a project! I really like your approach. Much better than painstakingly ripping disc by disc. At the moment, I am overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I just looked up the cost of the Ripstation and that's way out... | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? Roger that. | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? To all, my motivation is primarily one of convenience for redbook CDs that are readily available on Tidal or Qobuz. If I want to listen to Sacds, Dvd audio, Mfsl, and DCC gold disks, I will use my Modwright Oppo 105. | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? @melbay So how do you like the Zenith? Any tips for me before I fire it up? | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? @soix great idea. Thanks! | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? @vonhelmholtz Thanks. Good idea! | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? @dayglow I understand your point of view. My objective is primarily motivated out of convenience for the 2,500 CDs you refer to above. I fully expect to continue to use my Modwright Oppo 105 when SQ matters, such as SACDs, Dvd-Audio, HDCD encode... | |
What to do with my legacy CD collection? @czarivey okay I will keep you in mind as I am plowing through my collection and ripping them to FLAC flies. | |
Should I Keep my Second CD Player? @lcherepkai Forgot to mention that my Oppo 105 was extensively modified by Dan Wright. It included a separate power supply with rectifier tubes, etc. The cost of the mod was greater than the cost of the Oppo st the time. You are correct in stat... | |
ZEN Mini S vs. Small Green Computer Sonic Transporter i5 music server/Ultra Rendu Streamer @audiotroy thanks for your reply. I researched (online) the 432 evo standard and it looks like a great unit. I went with the Zenith mk3 for the following reasons: - one box solution with a 4TB SSD - I have neither the desire or funds to upgrad... | |
ZEN Mini S vs. Small Green Computer Sonic Transporter i5 music server/Ultra Rendu Streamer @ianderson thanks. I wound up getting the Zenith. One box, better sound, Sense app, etc. Running it through a Chord Qutest Dac. Happy listening to all!! | |
ZEN Mini S vs. Small Green Computer Sonic Transporter i5 music server/Ultra Rendu Streamer @forestg Thanks for your insight. I think I'm going to go the Innuos route. Actually, I'm in the process on doing a deal online as I type. Once it's confirmed, I'll report back to you and the group who so graciously helped me on this journey. ... |