
Responses from dragon1952

Building a dedicated room
Look no further!!! It's all right here.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewItem&item=3033238876 
Best HTIB??? Need help
The same seller's got these cool little Ballet leotards too..http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1068&item=3422583802but they only got em in a large and medium and my little girl needs a small....darn! 
Best HTIB??? Need help
"I would consider wheels as part of the tweaking process."Ah ha! you mean like dampening or something?"Is Plan 9 From Outer Space available in DTS?" ???? Sorry....I musta missed that one.....but what's that got ta do with ice cream and heavy coats? 
Best HTIB??? Need help
Distortion....I just noticed you said "Its "fully insulted"....LOL!I think you meant "insulated"....haha....that's OK ..I screw up sometimes too! 
Best HTIB??? Need help
"Dragon,just make sure you don't screw up here-don't lose this auction proxy bid 10$k at least"Gee...at 5 bucks a shot...that'd be 10000 divided by 5...uhmm, that'd be like 200 give or take a few tickets I'd have to sell...minus popcorn and beer..... 
Best HTIB??? Need help
Distortion...I checked with the manufacturer and it does not come with wheels. Do you see this as a major problem?Also...I'm having a little trouble finding the specs on the Onkio Premium sorround sound receiver...I'm pretty good with the internet... 
Best HTIB??? Need help
"Yup get it and charge $5 to your friends and neighbours-you'll have your money back in no time"Gee...that's a little high but I guess I could include popcorn and sodas!"Sorry I didn't mean vague,I meant the descriptions sound like they are in vog... 
Best HTIB??? Need help
"the descriptions are very vague."Oh yeah...what do you mean by vague?Thanks again! 
Best HTIB??? Need help
"You're pulling my leg aren't you?"Gee , Mr. Campbell...I don't understand!I don't have room in my house but I got this patch out in the back yard all cleared out! Are you saying Onkio and the acustimass'es aren't any good or what? "One question, ... 
Best HTIB??? Need help
Gee! Cool! Anybody else? 
5 most recognizable voices in American music?
How about Roy Orbison? Has anyone mentioned him yet? He's gotta be up there. 
Cable management
Tie wraps and little nails or those eye-hooks. Cheap and dirty. 
5 most recognizable voices in American music?
True!......but American born wasn't specified :P I still think they could be categorized as American music, though. But...hey!....whatever!...I'll take the hit like a man :) 
What do You listen to?
Some of the Rock/Blues/Pop CD's in my collection:Led Zeppelin - just about everythingHendrix - just about everythingDoors- severalCream - severalJefferson AirplaneMoby GrapeRushKansasVan HalenDef LeppardCountry Joe and the FishGrateful DeadKenny W... 
your favorite violin or fiddle cuts, and why?
David LaFlamme of It's a Beautiful Day, song 'White Bird'