

Responses from dpac996

Do Cables Wear Out?
Guidocorona,That was good. I think you need a Machina Dynamica (AKA timex watch with an orange sticker on it) lcd watch to stick on your chest of drawers thingy and just step back and watch the tarnish dissapper as the mysterious device reverses e... 
Do Cables Wear Out?
I don't know about wear out, but they can tarnish, even within the teflon (or other) sheath. I have personally witnessed this with kimber 8tc. The copper was tarnished through and through. It was a curious result. That will change the electrical p... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
I am grateful to be able to read these posts and totally understand where each and everyone of you is coming from. As I read through these posts at one point or another I swear I could have written them all myself. This is a hobby, we do love musi... 
What's your profession? Age?
Electrical Engineer - Digital design with FPGAs but a nice background in RF test and measurement at a cool DoD facility and even a 2 year stint as read/write engineer at Maxtor Corp developing high-end scsi hdd's / age-34 
Does sound travel better at night?
I find that if I have a certain amount of good brew during the day, that my system sounds as rockin as it does at night...Cheers! 
Why do digital cables sound different?
Because the components that connect the transport and DAC are themselves connected to the ac-line source via possibly different power cords...and we know from a thread elsewhere that AC Power Cords have an effect on frequency response (digital or ... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
once again we are on path 2...Wonder why my 0.02 about inexpensive cable solutions got squashed by the MODERATORS?as an alternative to 1000.00 / meter PCI could simple squirt Spray and Wash on my speaker cones to provide the audio windex to the sa... 
Marantz 8260 CD/SACD
I too have an 8260. It works...sort of. I bought is second hand from a fellow A'gon member. It never had a problem...until I stuck in MFSL Patricia Barber...Then it was as if this disc unleashed all the ERROR demons from the player. I let a friend... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
Shadorne,Thanks...Now we have a start for the "my electrical station is superior to your electrical station" thread.You just made PS Audio very happy. Everyone quick flock to PS Audio website and drool over the latest line conditioners. 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
That was hilarious Guidocorona.Perhaps it's best to split this thread now into two distinct subjects:1) the line cord frequency thingy2) proposed new branch:"How a technical discussion affects the mental status of Audiogon members" included we hav... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
TWL: What is a negative feedback power cord?I also stated that music as well as test tones, perhaps used only to calibrate the measurement technique, be used. The "dummy load" was not a dummy load across the output of the amp.It was in series with... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
SpatialKing,Sure that could work too. Do you plan to trigger on the ac-line frequency and run some test signals into a power amp, or do you have some other arrangement in mind. If you have a typical amp and speakers in your lab that would be best ... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
Unfortunately this has turned into a freshmen 101 philosophy discussion. Can we please stay on topic? please, can we let the pure technical treatment of this question carry forth? I am one engineer who does not try to reduce the world around me to... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
My Friends,If any of my posts came across as arrogant or whatever, I am sorry. I am a music lover and audiophile, but alas, I have a degree in EE. That being said, having an EE degree does not automatically make someone an authority on power suppl... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
The engineering types are the ones who give you your music Ronniekoh.The marketing types love your paranoia.