Responses from dpac996
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners… @toddcowles nice post I enjoyed a few models from Harbeth; SHL5+XD, C7ES3 XD, M40.2 and M40.3XD. Tried them all in a few different rooms and with tons of different electronics. My favorite was the SHL5+XD in a smaller room with high ceilings; som... | |
ATC active vs. passive SCM150 are serious business :) I love tube amps. One of my all time favorite tube amps is a Luxman MQ-88uc, but careful consideration goes a long way, as i'm sure you know: room/speaker/ realistic expectations on scale etc. With the SCM150 and y... | |
ATC active vs. passive @ei001h I was looking at the other amps you used with your SCM40’s; The Mastersound starts clipping (1%) around 10 wpc. The Grandinote is rated at 37 wpc and starts clipping (1%) around 30 wpc. Neither amp produces close to double the power as imp... | |
ATC active vs. passive I used to have Analysis Plus full loom (same speaker cables you have) and found it clouded the soundstage. Eventually moved to Purist audio and Nordost for power which was a step in right direction for opening up. Not a fan of AP for power cords ... | |
ATC active vs. passive @ei001h What speaker cables are you using and what power cord for your 595? Had that amp 2x and it’s pretty sensitive to power cords. Top end can can trimmed to your tastes pretty easily. On my SCM40 I am using Audience Front Row and a DPS 4.1... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps Zuesman that is great! Happy you love the 861 so much. I’m also smiling b/c that implies, by your calculations, the 761 beats amps in the 0.75 x 60,000 = 45,000 range ( it’s about 75% as good as the 861). I have never heard a 45k amp, much less ha... | |
Help Deciding On New Speakers For Small Room, $10k budget ATC SCM40 (active or passive ). Fully sealed/ no rear ports to potentially cause resonant problems in room. I have em in my office, slightly larger than your room, and I love them. Prior used Harbeth C7esXD, SHL5 +XD, and a ton of other standmount... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps Interesting experiences above by other members. Synergy is key, as always. When I first received my 761 it was paired with Opera Loudspeakers, Diva Callas (latest version). The Divas are interesting speakers. Very capable, excellent separation of ... | |
ATC active vs. passive I auditioned SCM40 active and passive. The active demo was controlled by ATC preamp. The passive was driven by North Moon 641/681 DAC ( this DAC was also the source for the active setup) I preferred the passive setup; I ended up purchasing the pa... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps Sounds good, thanks for the response. I’ve always wanted to hear a Yggi. I have a lot of respect for Mike Moffat. I remember years ago saving money to get the Theta Pro Prime DAC and used that baby for years. Moved up the Theta chain and always lo... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps YYZ, did you side by side compare the 791 with Schitt and Holo or basing that off personal inference? At the risk of derailing this amplifier thread to talk digital for a minute: The 791 has more digital technology than just an ESS chip. There i... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps Simaudio hit the ball out of the park with the 791/761 combo. If you are in the beginning stages you might want to consider going with the naturally synergistic 791 or 891 with whatever amp you choose. I think the 761 and 861 are very similar, on ... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps @kerrybh sorry for delayed response. Regarding my conclusion: it’s not a hard conclusion, more like a soft one, that is based on personal experience, accounts of other audio nuts, and guided intuition. The intuition part stems from the true dual ... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps @kerrybh My two cents: If your room is optimized acoustically, meaning optimal speaker / listening chair placement and (possibly) necessary acoustic treatment, like absorbers, diffusors, and bass traps you might benefit from the mono-block topolog... | |
Experience with Simaudio Moon North amps I have had the 761 stereo amp for several weeks now; I’m pairing it with the 791. It’s powering Opera Callas Diva speakers (also handmade in Italy). I can’t say enough about this amp. I love it. I don’t see how you could go wrong with the partneri... |