

Responses from doyle3433

Cary SLI-80HS modifications
Hello all, I too just recently took delivery on a new SLI80-HS. I am blown away. I opted for all the upgrades. With the sale it was hard to resist. I have only had limited listening time at this point, and no doubt I'm weeks away from things reall... 
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@thecarpathian Thank you.   
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@toro3  Brother, I really dig your aesthetic.. Some great pics and a beautiful pup!  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@lalitk Thank you. It was a fun project. Even with my limited soldering skills... it sounds darn good.  @kota1 That is some seriously cool stuff!  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@kota1 Just looked at your virtual system post. Now that's a treated room! What i have in my basement room is mild by comparison.   
To Raise or Not to Raise Heresy IV's
Hey Tony, shot home for lunch and I do still have them. They're yours.   
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@kota1 yes, that and housetraining puppies. I also have a room in my basement that is treated with acoustic ceiling tile, foam back wall, corner foam in the front, and a tube trap. I think i posted pics of that as well here on AG  
To Raise or Not to Raise Heresy IV's
To be clear, I meant the stands... 😀  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@coralkong  @dabel  I agree. This is 8th grade BS. Let's get back to being real men and ladies, enjoy our music and kit, and have some great conversations. Post your system pics or don't, it really does not matter to me, i see it as a personal cho... 
To Raise or Not to Raise Heresy IV's
@tonydennison  When I had mine I experimented with them on the floor and then on a pair of JBL metal stands, pretty much the same as what @decooney shows in that first pic. I ended up preferring them on the stands, with a sub. I think i still hav... 
seeking advise please on my short list for new speakers? (15k budget)
If I had $15k to spend, I'd go for the Volti Rival's.  Yes I am biased. Several good suggestions already also.   
"Can You Lift Yours?"
Mac 240 and 275 are deceptively heavy, and there’s no real easy way to pick them up. Bend at the knees, try and wiggle fingers under the transformer half and pray. My 240 has a nice dent in one of the transformer covers. I'm always amazed when vi... 
Guttenberg reviews Volti Razz
@audioman58 Good point and good advice. For myself when I'm in the market for something I read and listen to as many points of view as I can. Of course also here on AG. Then if there seems to be a mostly positive consensus and no glaring flags, I ... 
Guttenberg reviews Volti Razz
@jond Dang! One of these shows it would be awesome to finally connect up with you my friend. I understand the combination of either the Razz and the Rival with the Boarder Patrol is sublime. When I finally got to hear the Razz they were paired wit... 
speaker guidance for R&R mostly
I'd give Volti Rival a consideration. You are close (ish). Greg Roberts I'm sure would be happy to have you come for a listen.