
Responses from dover

MIT cables vs. Synergistic Research cables?
For the level of equipment you own you should be looking at least at Shotgun MA or Magnum range. Try all MIT to assess it properly ie both interconnect and speaker cable.Good luck. 
phono stage / step up for Koetsu carts
I've had excellent/best results with Koetsu's straight into tube preamps at 47k - magic with my Marantz 7 ( mounted on a Zeta tonearm ). Have had experiences with vintage Altec step up's - you really need to try before you buy, but my experience w... 
I NEED YOUR HELP with a turntable purchase
Hi there,I have a Final Audio Labs string drive with Naim Aro, also Garrard 301 & 401 and various arms including unipivot, air bearing and gimble. I would not recommend any of these and many of the suggestions above simply because I believe yo... 
Turntable leveling...
Easy way would be a make a shelf with adjustable feet to put under the turnable this will probably improve the sound. Also there is a Black diamond Racing cone kit for the Rega's that I think will provide adjustability for you to level it and prov... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
"The tonearm is now the centre of this ‘Turntable SystemÂ’ and is the most important element. It must be rigidly held on a base which is perfectly flat, non-magnetic and relatively immune to structure-borne and air-borne feedback. This base must id... 
Natural and Neutral could be boring ..
Hi I know most of the gear you have. Nobody hears the same things, ie one mans neutral is anothers coloured. The Pass Labs/Thiels are very neutral and clean to my ears if perhaps a little dry. However the Benz cartridges in general are very relaxe... 
upgrade phono stage ?
If there is plenty of life in your cartridge then a phono upgrade would be my recommendation. However I agree with the above that get one that will last you a turntable upgrade. If it were me 2nd hand Lehman Black Cube, MS Phenomona or Ray Samuels... 
WAF Help Please
Paint the floors to match the cables of course, or change the wife. 
Recommended Tube Amp for ML CLS I model
12-27-10: FdriverDover - are you referring to the Original CLS, II, IIa, or IIz?Original CLS, but have also experience with CLS II. My caution would be that some valve amps work, some dont. For example VTL Compact 100's ( 100w ) couldn't drive the... 
Recommended Tube Amp for ML CLS I model
Hi there, I used to import Martin Logans into NZ many yrs ago along with Conrad Johnson, Quicksilver, Counterpoint etc. They sre actually dificult to drive, although it is very humid here which didn't help. Best sound was with the Quicksilver 8417... 
Audio Supports
In my experiments 3 always sounds substantially better than 4, more grounded. Unless you go round with a stethscope and dial in the spikes precisely then 4 is less stable. It always amazes me when designers claim they make the ultimate product, co... 
What MC for $1,000-$2,000?
The problem is your tonearm the SMEiii is a low mass arm for high compliance cartridges - a total mismatch for the Denon. I would strongly recommend upgrading both the arm and cartridge - something like a Rega RB1000 arm plus Shelter 501 would mee... 
Klyne 7PX question
Thanks everyone, a fellow audiogon member has kindly scanned and emailed me the manual. 
MIT Z-Cord II PC versus Oyaide Tunami GPX
Hi I have done the comparison The Oyaide has beautiful rich tone but was very slow as in really slow. Same result on both CD - Meridian and Preamp - Marantz 7. I also found the MIT to be better for me than the Nordost Shiva. The Nordost had tighte... 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
Regarding string Drive - my experience with the final audio ( high mass/ac drive ) was a big improvement in stability going from cotton ( slippage and stretch ) to surgical silk.I'd really like to get a version of this with no knot if possible as ...