
Discussions don_c55 has started

Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?19764402
Why is modern pop music today so terrible?8693147
My favorite Reviewer15773
The History of Rock and Roll PBS 199514622
True audio stories! Do you have any?506313
Veblen Audio Goods15554
Record production 1956 or today - which produced better sound?16021
Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?11371119
Which arms are really SOTA, and can be properly setup?344311
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?14757135
Disturbing "Sonic Trend" showing up on SOTA audio503149
iPhone speaker - room setup apps21982
Audio out to RCA input on new Sony TV's?2797921
Goodbye ZYX Airy 31173127
ZYX Premium Cartridges505421