Responses from dogberry
Do Quad Electrostatics Come To An End of Life? That's what I've been doing for the last 15 years! | |
Do Quad Electrostatics Come To An End of Life? No, not turned on all the time. Sheldon Stokes is in the USA, but if I can, it would be easier to do this in Canada. My repair man would likely be perfectly happy to replace all the panels in one go. The question really is this - is this likely to... | |
3k Phono preamp upgrade options (JC3+, XP-17, etc) I've been pretty happy with my 6111 based Quad 24p, but now having two tables, one with a low output cartridge, I have a Rek-O-Kut switch and an extra set of interconnects in the signal path. I also have to use the 'sensitivity' knob on the back a... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Hmm. Just like that my 24p died. Well, not dead, but the left channel is making clicking noises in the Quad 2905 speaker. It's not another panel gone in the speaker as there is no clicking with any other input. Fortunately, I have a line on a bare... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? I know I'm 1-2 thousand hours from the Deccapocalypse. I'm already thinking about what might come after. Having spent money on a Grado Statement 3 I don't think there's a future there for me. The other game in town is Soundsmith. Reviews are rathe... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? "You would have to be out of your mind to buy a Decca cartridge." I'll just sit here and drool and twitch! If you are talking about supposed tracking issues, I have to say I have never had any such problems with either the undamped SME M10 or th... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Talking of cantilever-less, an old friend came home today fresh from a rebuild: I shall get nothing done today except to listen and purr contentedly! | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? I never did get to hear an ESL57, but did the 63, and owned 989s and now have 2905s. I probably don't get the purity of the midrange that the 57s give, but if it's being overlaid by a bit of bass I can live with it! BTW, I hope your ego is a lot ... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Read the page, for yourself, or here's another quote: we are producing a moving permaloy method cartridge that can be replaced by a nagaoka development needle。 A lightweight structure with separate cantilevers and magnets, which is a method of m... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Both Nagaoka and I must disagree with you about the MM/MI thing. To quote from Nagaoka's website: The "Nagaoka MP series cartridge", when type number starts with MP, is different from the general MM expression (moving magnet) and has a different... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Very interested to read this. I am a moving iron fan, and have a London Decca Jubilee and a Reference. When the Reference went for its final re-tip (the maker is retiring and it is uncertain whether anyone will be able to service these cartridges ... | |
Record Cleaner Okki Nokki I had a VPI 16.5 and a NittyGritty as similar vacuum machines to the OkkiNokki. They worked, and well enough to convince me there was something to cleaning as well as possible. So about 12 years ago I bought a Loricraft PRC4 and was very happy wit... | |
Thoughts on the Linn LP12 turntable My father in law had an LP12, and an older Thorens. I got to use them between 1976 and 1985. He has classical LPs stashed away in every spare space in a large house, and quite a lot of reel-to-reel tapes, but despite all that he was quick to move ... | |
Grado Prestige Gold 3 The effective mass of your arm is said to be 10g, which is probably a bit low to satisfy those who believe in calculations. Then again, my SME Series V is said to be too light for the Deccas, and it plainly works fine! | |
Grado Prestige Gold 3 It certainly is, but not really relevant in this thread. You're going to be in the strange position of telling others who have never heard them why they were so special, along with me. No one will ever believe us! |